Fighting on
the front lines for
victims’ rights for over four decades

2015 Videos and Statements

12.30.15 – Today Bill Cosby was charged in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania with Aggravated Indecent Assault – a felony.

12.30.15 – Today Bill Cosby was charged in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania with Aggravated Indecent Assault – a felony.

11.21.15 – Gloria Allred was the featured keynote speaker at the ICRF’s Annual Women of Action Brunch on November 22 in Montreal Canada.

11.21.15 – Gloria Allred was the featured keynote speaker at the ICRF’s Annual Women of Action Brunch on November 22 in Montreal Canada. For the past ten years, the Israel Cancer Research Fund in association with the Pink Lady Fund of the Jewish General Hospital has hosted an annual Women of Action Brunch in support of Breast Cancer Research, Care, & Equipment at the Shaar Hashomayim Synagogue. Founded in 1975, ICRF is a nonprofit organization consisting of physicians, scientists and volunteers who are dedicated to supporting innovative cancer research in Israel and internationally. Since its inception, ICRF has raised more than $40 million and has funded over 1800 cancer research projects.

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11.18.15 – Attorney Gloria Allred held a news conference today in Atlanta to announce the filing of a lawsuit after she (and other Bill Cosby protesters) were denied entry by the police to Bill Cosby’s show last May.

11.18.15 – Gloria is represented by Cary Wiggins who is a very prominent First Amendment lawyer in Georgia and agreed to take her case. Last May 2015 Gloria was scheduled to speak at a protest and attend a Bill Cosby show at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in Cobb County Atlanta. She was interested in attending Bill Cosby’s performance in part to gain insight that would help her in the representation of many alleged victims of Bill Cosby whom she represented at that time. She did not intend to disrupt Mr. Cosby’s show. When she approached the theater she was stopped and asked to show her ticket and ID. The official then told her to enter a side entrance where two police officers informed her that she could not enter the theater because her name was on a “security” list. She was instructed to exit the property and if she refused it would be considered “criminal trespass” and she would be subject to arrest. Gloria stated this morning “As a result of these events I have filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division against Cobb County, Georgia, Cobb-Murrieta Coliseum and Exhibit Hall Authority alleging that my First Amendment rights and due process rights and the rights of a number of other Bill Cosby protesters were violated when we were denied the right to view and listen to Mr. Cosby’s performance without justification of explanation wholly on account of our viewpoints about Mr. Cosby. I am seeking a court order which permanently enjoins the defendants from carrying out the Center’s viewpoint based censorship admissions policy.” Mr. Wiggins believes that this is a very important case “because it involves government censorship. When the government decides who can attend a public performance in a public venue – based on their point of view – there is a problem. When the government allows the public performer to decide who can watch his or her show in that public venue, the problem is exacerbated; and when the government threatens to arrest anyone who that public performer thinks should be excluded because of their point of view, the problem is intolerable form a constitutional perspective.”

10.23.15 – Gloria Allred held a press conference today in New York with two more women who have accused Bill Cosby of misconduct against them. We are sure that Mr. Cosby would hope that these women would stop coming forward and that this scandal would end so that he could try to repair his public image. We can assure Mr. Cosby, however, that there are still more victims courageous to come forward in the future and that we will not stop until the last victims that wishes to speak her truth has done so.

10.23.15 – Today in New York two more women spoke out about what Mr. Cosby did to them. Dottye is a retired physical therapist, who produces, writes and directs her own drama theater company. At the time of the incident she was a union actress. Donna Barrett is a college graduate, a wife, mother, and grandmother, who is a master’s track athlete, track coach and a certified Master’s track official. More than 40 women have now made allegations about rape, drugging or sexual assault by Mr. Cosby, someone they trusted. The sheer magnitude of the number of victims, the similarity and common themes of what happened to them, coupled with their sincerity, are what we want the public to know. Each and every story must be told because there can never be accountability without truth and there can never be enough truth.

09.30.15 – Today Ms. Allred held a press conference with three women who have never previously made public accusations against actor Bill to describe what they allege happened to them when they had the misfortune to come into contact with or have a relationship with Mr. Cosby. One accuser is a former Mrs. America, another was a cocktail server at a jazz club frequented by Mr. Cosby. The third accuser was introduced to Mr. Cosby after a friend suggested to her that Mr. Cosby could help her be featured in Playboy Magazine since Mr. Cosby appeared to be friends with Hugh Hefner. At the press conference Ms. Allred commented on why more accusers continue to come forward to make accusations against Mr. Cosby. In addition, she replied to the comments made by one of Mr. Cosby’s many lawyers who reportedly suggested that Mr. Cosby should not have been stripped of his honorary degree last week by Fordham University.

09.30.15 – Today Ms. Allred held a press conference with three women who have never previously made public accusations against actor Bill to describe what they allege happened to them when they had the misfortune to come into contact with or have a relationship with Mr. Cosby. One accuser is a former Mrs. America, another was a cocktail server at a jazz club frequented by Mr. Cosby. The third accuser was introduced to Mr. Cosby after a friend suggested to her that Mr. Cosby could help her be featured in Playboy Magazine since Mr. Cosby appeared to be friends with Hugh Hefner. At the press conference Ms. Allred commented on why more accusers continue to come forward to make accusations against Mr. Cosby. In addition, she replied to the comments made by one of Mr. Cosby’s many lawyers who reportedly suggested that Mr. Cosby should not have been stripped of his honorary degree last week by Fordham University.

08.26.15 – To celebrate Women’s Equality Day 2015, Gloria Allred joins the West Hollywood City Council and the West Hollywood Women’s Advisory Board as keynote speaker for an empowering and inspirational event commemorating the 95th anniversary of the certification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote in the United States.

08.26.15 – To celebrate Women’s Equality Day 2015, Gloria Allred joins the West Hollywood City Council and the West Hollywood Women’s Advisory Board as keynote speaker for an empowering and inspirational event commemorating the 95th anniversary of the certification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote in the United States.

08.22.15 – Civil Rights Attorney Gloria Allred Attends Wedding in Michigan of Same Sex Couple Who Won the Right to Marry in the U.S. Supreme Court

08.22.15 – Attorney Gloria Allred, who won the right to marry in 2010 for her clients, a same sex couple who wanted to marry in California attended the wedding of April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse, the Michigan couple who won the right to marry in the U. S. Supreme Court. April and Jayne’s wedding was held at Pi Banquet Hall located at 28847 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan at 5:30 PM EST on August 22, 2015. Ms. Allred was accompanied by her California clients who became the first to be permitted to marry in Los Angeles County after Ms. Allred fought for and won in the California Supreme Court the right for them to marry. April and Jayne were the guests of honor in Ms. Allred’s car in the gay and lesbian pride parade in West Hollywood in June 2015 prior to the United State Supreme Court deciding their case.

08.20.15 – Today in New York Ms. Allred held a press conference with two new accusers of Bill Cosby. One was an aspiring actress the other a flight attendant. Joining them in support was a third woman who was a Playboy model who has previously spoken out about what she alleges Mr. Cosby did to her. Ms. Allred also discussed what Mr. Cosby can expect when he gives his testimony under oath on October 9th, 2015.

08.20.15 – Today Gloria Allred held a press conference with two new accusers of Bill Cosby and with one additional accuser who has previously spoken about what she alleges Mr. Cosby did to her, but who wanted to be here today to support the new accusers. Charlotte Fox was a 23-year-old aspiring actress when she came into contact with Bill Cosby. Elizabeth was only 20 years old when she had the bad luck to be serving as a flight attendant on the American Airlines flight on which Mr. Cosby was flying from the east to the west coast. Jane Doe, who is here with us and has spoken out previously, was a model for Playboy magazine when Mr. Cosby contacted her. Although all of them kept the secret from the public of what they alleged happened to them for many years, they have now decided to come forward in an effort to help other women and hold Mr. Cosby accountable for what they allege was his misconduct with them. Although it is too late for them to take any legal action because of the statute of limitations, it is not too late for them to become empowered women who can speak out in the court of public opinion, and that is what they are doing today.

08.12.15 – Today three new women accusing Bill Cosby of victimizing them spoke out at a press conference with their attorney Gloria Allred. Two were actors in feature films or television and one was a flight attendant and fashion model. These women have now found the courage to come forward to tell what they allege is their truth about what Mr. Cosby did to them.

08.12.15 – Recently New York Magazine had a photograph on their cover of more than 30 women who had come forward publicly to accuse Bill Cosby of having victimized them. That cover also featured an empty chair, which in the opinion of many, represented all of the accusers who have not yet come forward. Today, that empty chair is filled by three new women who allege that they were victimized by Mr. Cosby. These women have now found the courage to come forward to tell what they allege is their truth about what Mr. Cosby did to them. Linda Ridgeway Whitedeer was an actor who appeared in a feature film “The Mechanic” which was released in 1972. She also appeared in many commercials for well-known brands. Colleen Hughes was a flight attendant for American Airlines and fashion model. Eden Tirl was an actor who appeared on the Cosby Show.

08.06.15 – Today we are happy to announce the settlement of a defamation lawsuit which we filed against Syracuse University and Jim Boeheim.

08.06.15 – We are very happy to announce that we have settled the defamation lawsuit which we filed on behalf of our clients, Bobby Davis and Mike Lang, against Syracuse University and James Boeheim. It has been a privilege to represent them in their courageous efforts to ensure that victims of childhood sexual abuse may speak out about their abuse without fear of being unfairly attacked.

08.05.15 – Today, we received a copy of the Court’s order in our case of Judy Huth v. William Henry Cosby, Jr. to proceed with depositions.

08.05.15 – The court granted our application requiring Mr. Cosby to submit to his deposition before the deposition of our client, Judy Huth. Mr. Cosby’s deposition will take place on October 9, 2015 and our client’s deposition will take place on October 15, 2015. We are pleased that we will now be able to move ahead without further delay on Ms. Huth’s case and we look forward to taking Mr. Cosby’s testimony under oath.

08.05.15 – The Vice Channels and Broadly feature Gloria Allred in a “Style & Error” episode exploring The Power Suit.

08.05.15 – The Vice Channels and Broadly feature Gloria Allred in a “Style & Error” episode exploring The Power Suit.

07.28.15 – Gloria Allred statement regarding the deposition of Bill Cosby

07.28.15 – Today Ms. Allred went to court in Santa Monica on our case of Judy Huth v. William H. Cosby to request that the order and dates of the depositions be determined. Mr. Cosby has been attempting to delay the taking of his deposition for some time.

07.22.15 – Today we are happy to announce that we have won a major victory in the case of Judy Huth v. William H. Cosby in which she alleges that Mr. Cosby committed acts of sexual misconduct on her at the Playboy Mansion when she was only 15 years old.

07.22.15 – Mr. Cosby, through his attorneys, has been trying to block Ms. Huth from moving forward for some time. His latest effort involved his lawyers filing a petition asking the California Supreme Court to review the laws under which prior rulings in this case were based. Today we are happy to announce that the California Supreme Court has denied Mr Cosby’s petition seeking review of Ms. Huth’s case against him.

07.15.15 – Gloria Allred reacts to President Obama being asked today if he would consider revoking the U.S. Medal of Freedom given to Bill Cosby. Obama responded that “there’s no precedent for revoking a medal. We don’t have that mechanism,” he said. But the President did outline his definition of rape.

07.15.15 – I am very happy that President Obama addressed the question of Bill Cosby and whether or not the President or the White House would revoke the Medal of Freedom honor awarded to Mr. Cosby in 2002. The President has not yet citied any legal reason why it could not be done. If all it takes is a “mechanism” to do that, then I would hope that the executive branch would begin work on such a mechanism. Regarding the President’s comments on drugging and raping women, I thought that his comments were strong, accurate and compassionate.

07.13.15 – Today Gloria Allred held a press conference with two women, who were “Jane Doe” witnesses in the 2005 lawsuit brought against Mr. Cosby, to react to excerpts of Cosby’s deposition in which Cosby testifies about allegations by the two women that he drugged and sexually assaulted them.

07.13.15 – We are making a statement today because last week on July 6, 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Eduardo C. Robreno ordered the release of certain testimony of Bill Cosby from Cosby’s deposition in the Constand lawsuit. Upon reviewing the excerpts that were released, we discovered that Mr. Cosby had testified about two of my clients, Beth Ferrier (Jane Doe #5) and Rebecca Lynn Neal (Jane Doe #11). We are concerned that his partial testimony if believed can cause reputational damage to both of my clients. In his deposition, when questioned about both Beth and Rebecca, Mr. Cosby seemed to be constantly trying to avoid either committing perjury or telling the whole truth. For that reason today we have assisted them in filing a memorandum in federal court in support of Andrea Constand’s motion last week seeking to unseal and release the entire deposition transcript of Mr. Cosby’s deposition in Andrea’s lawsuit. In the memorandum our clients argue that they need the entire deposition to be released so that they can defend themselves with the whole truth – not just select passages of the transcript, which have been released. We look forward to the decision of federal judge Eduardo C. Robreno.

07.06.15 – Today a U.S. District judge seized on Bill Cosby’s public moralizing on issues like family life, education and crime as he unsealed portions of a 2005 deposition taken in a sexual assault lawsuit filed against Cosby. In his testimony Mr. Cosby states that he obtained Quaaludes with the intention of giving them to young women with whom he wanted to have sex.

07.06.15 – Statement of Gloria Allred – “This confirms the allegations of numerous victims who have said that he has used drugs in order to sexually assault them. This admission is one that Mr. Cosby has attempted to hide from the public for many years and we are very gratified that it is now being made public. We are very hopeful that we will be able to use this admission in the case of Judy Huth v. Bill Cosby, which Mr. Cosby is attempting to block by filing a writ with the California Supreme Court. Coincidently, today we filed a brief on behalf of Ms. Huth in the California Supreme Court in opposition to Mr. Cosby’s effort to have Ms. Huth’s case dismissed.”

07.01.15 – Gloria Allred statement on Bill Cosby

07.01.15 – ” ‘Statute of Limitations’ appears to be Mr. Cosby’s three favorite words. But I have faith that there will come a day when one or more of his numerous alleged victims will finally be able to break through the barriers and force Mr. Cosby to be accountable. I look forward to that day and to be able to look Mr. Cosby in the eye and tell him that justice has no time limit.” Gloria Allred

06.30.15 – Statement of Gloria Allred on the Texas Indictment of NFL Player CJ Spillman on a Charge of Sexual Assault

06.30.15 – Once again, the NFL has clearly dropped the ball. Despite this sexual assault allegation in Texas for which Mr. Spillman is now indicted and another allegation of sexual assault made to the police in California by another alleged victim, prior to the Texas sexual assault allegation made to the police, the NFL continued to allow Mr. Spillman to play with the Dallas Cowboys. Ironically, my client, the alleged victim in the Texas case reported the alleged sexual assault to the police on September 20, 2014, one day after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell held a major news conference in which he stated “I got it wrong in the handling of the Ray Rice matter. I am sorry for that. I got it wrong on a number of levels – from the process that I led to the decision that I reached.” He stated “I believe in accountability. I understand the challenge before me and I will be held accountable for meeting it.” The NFL failed to do what Commissioner Goodell promised. It took the courage of my client, a very brave young woman to take action in the justice system. Clearly there is no justice in the NFL system for alleged victims of NFL players.

06.26.15 – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges that marriage equality is now the law of our land and that same sex couples are entitled to the equal protection of the law. Gloria Allred and her clients Robin Tyler and Diane Olson hold a news conference in Los Angeles to react to the decision.

06.26.15 – “This is a landmark historic U.S. Supreme Court decision which we celebrate today and which is long overdue. I am so proud of our Supreme Court and of our country today. I have been fighting the battle for equal rights for gay and lesbian individuals and couples for almost 40 years. This ruling is as a result of decades of small steps by courageous individuals, their families, their co-workers and civil rights pioneers. I am so happy that they will no longer have to suffer the indignity of being second class citizens under the law. They will no longer have to endure the humiliation and the disrespect that accompanies second class personhood. I thank God that I have lived to see this day and can share in the joy that it brings to millions of Americans.” – Gloria Allred

06.16.15 – Today Tracey Carver, the women in the “Texas pool party” video that went viral, held a press conference with her attorney, Gloria Allred. Ms. Carver has been in hiding ever since the incident on June 5, 2015 because of death threats which she has received as a result of untrue statements made about her accusing her of making a racist remark at the time of the incident.

06.16.15 – Today, Tracey Carver has decided to speak out for the first time and share what she alleges happened at the Texas, “Pool Party Incident” in McKinney. The video shows Tracey in an altercation after she and her children left the pool at their homeowners association complex. She owns a home in the complex where she lives with her husband, her children and Aaron Clark, an African American who has been her husband’s best friend since college. “Accusation that I am a racist could not be further from the person I truly am. I am a woman of God, a humanitarian in every sense of the word and have countless supporters of all ethnic backgrounds that have and will stand up for my character.” Tracey told the media. She alleges that at about 5:00 pm that evening, when dozens of non-residents began jumping the pool fence, she decided to gather her children and her friend and leave the pool. As she was leaving an 18 year old women grabbed her friend by the hair, screaming and pulling her into the street. What the video shows is Tracey trying to defuse the fight. “I didn’t beat anyone nor use any racial slurs.” Ms. Allred has agreed to support Tracey and her family because “I am very concerned that the movement for racial equality suffers a serious setback when innocent individuals are wrongly accused of making racists statements based on false rumors and find themselves and their children being threatened that they will be raped and murdered. Polarization of the races, rather than progress toward equality is the result of false rumors. The lies must be stopped and those who have lied about Tracey owe her an apology and a long overdue truth about what really happened that day in McKinney.”

06.14.15 – Gloria Allred participates in the 2015 Annual LA Pride Parade, celebrating the transgender, lesbian, gay and bisexual communities, where hundreds of thousands of people lined Santa Monica Boulevard Sunday in West Hollywood, CA.

06.14.15 – A Michigan same sex couple whose case for marriage will be decided this month by the U.S. Supreme Court this month rode as guests of honor in Gloria Allred’s car in the parade. April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse are challenging the right of a state to ban same sex marriage. In the couple’s case, DeBoer v. Snyder and a Kentucky case the U.S. Supreme Court will decide if the U.S. Constitution requires a state to issue marriage licenses to two people of the same sex. (Refer to Gloria’s press conference of March 6, 2015 for more detailed information on this case.)

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06.12.15 – Bill Cosby Petitions the California Supreme Court – Statement of Gloria Allred

06.12.15 – We represent Judy Huth who alleges that Mr. Cosby sexually assaulted her when she was 15 years old. This week Bill Cosby filed a Petition for Review with the California Supreme Court in the case of Judy Huth v. William H. Cosby, Jr. (Case #B263799). We will oppose Bill Cosby’s Petition, and we have also noticed Mr. Cosby’s deposition. We look forward to continuing to fight for Ms. Huth’s right to have her allegations against Mr. Cosby decided at trial in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. There, Ms. Huth and Mr. Cosby will both be able to testify under oath and the jury, after hearing and considering all admissible evidence, will be able to decide if Mr. Cosby should be found liable for the allegations that Ms. Huth has made against him in her lawsuit.

06.09.15 – Today Gloria Allred held a press conference in Charleston South Carolina to announce the filing of a lawsuit against Hilton Worldwide, Inc. on behalf of her client Kayla Snipe who alleges that she was sexually assaulted by a man that was provided a key to her room by the hotel.

06.09.15 – Today we are here in Charleston, South Carolina, to announce that we have filed a lawsuit on behalf of Kayla Snipe (age 28) against Hilton Worldwide, Inc., d/b/a Embassy Suites North Charleston- Airport Hotel. We allege that Embassy Suites’ negligence resulted in an alleged sexual assault that Kayla was forced to suffer in her hotel room. We allege negligence (premises liability), negligent supervision, negligence, gross negligence and dram shop liability. In this case, the accused assailant was extremely inebriated and was not authorized to be given a key to Kayla’s room, since he was not registered to that room and Kayla had not given permission to the hotel to provide her key card to anyone. The accused assailant is being prosecuted and faces a charge of criminal sexual misconduct. To provide a key card under these circumstances, especially to someone who is drunk, is a clear breach of the duty of care that a hotel owes its guest to protect her from an intruder. This is an important case for women because so many women travel for business or pleasure and stay alone in hotels. There they have every right to expect safety and privacy, and in fact a hotel has a duty to protect its guests from foreseeable risks of harm.

06.08.15 – Today Gloria Allred announced victory when a Santa Clara Superior Court Judge ordered dismissal of former NFL player Ray McDonald’s defamation lawsuit against a woman who alleged to the police that he sexually assaulted her.

06.08.15 – Recently (May 6, 2015) we held a news conference to announce that we would seek to have a defamation lawsuit dismissed that had been filed by a former NFL player Ray McDonald against our client, a young woman who had alleged to law enforcement that she had been sexually assaulted by Ray McDonald. Today, we are happy to announce that Santa Clara Superior Court Judge William Elfving agreed with our legal position and granted our special motion to strike all five causes of action in Mr. McDonald’s lawsuit meaning that McDonald’s lawsuit against our client is dismissed. We will now continue with the cross complaint which we filed on behalf of our client against Mr. McDonald alleging assault and battery, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and false imprisonment.

06.05.15 – Today in Orlando Florida Gloria Allred and her client Samantha Boomer held a press conference to explain why they are suing Samantha’s husband, iHeartMedia radio talk show host of “Monsters in the Morning” for defamation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

06.05.15 – Samantha Boomer and her attorneys Gloria Allred and Howard Marks held a press conference in Orlando, Florida today to explain why she has filed a defamation and invasion of privacy lawsuit against her husband, radio talk show host, Russ Rollins and iHeartMedia. Russ hosts “Monsters in the Morning” and staged an on air false story that his wife Samantha had instructed a process server to serve him with divorce papers while he was on the air. iHeartMedia and its employees including Mr. Rollins hosted the false story on its website, posted the video on social media and it went viral. Samantha discussed the impact how these false and defamatory remarks have hurt her and the impact on her life. Gloria reported that she believes that Mr. Rollins conduct was outrageous and beyond the bounds of all decency.” “A license to broadcast on the public airwaves is a privilege and not a license to defame or invade the privacy of others. Now we will fight back and we have confidence that we will prevail.”

06.04.15 – Gloria Allred issues press statement regarding Justin Bieber’s recent charges of assault and careless driving.

06.04.15 – Justin Bieber was permitted to plead guilty today to assault and careless driving which are misdemeanors. The sentence that the court imposed was a $750 fine for the careless driving and an absolute discharge on the assault charge. Mr. Bieber’s criminal conduct should have resulted in serious consequences, but instead he received a light sentence today. The harm that Justin Bieber has inflicted on my clients, Todd Gillis and Sean O’Neill is very serious and may have inflicted life-long damage to them. Unless and until courts hand down sentences that are proportionate to the crimes that Justin Bieber has committed, we are very concerned that he may continue to present a risk of harm to others.

05.29.15 – Gloria announces breaking news on alleged victim’s lawsuit against Bill Cosby

05.29.15 – “We represent Judy Huth in her lawsuit against Bill Cosby. The Los Angeles County Superior Court previously rejected Mr. Cosby’s effort to get Ms. Huth’s complaint dismissed before any inquiry could be made into his conduct. Following that rejection, Mr. Cosby filed a petition asking the California Court of Appeal to order the L.A. County Superior Court to change its earlier ruling, and to dismiss Ms. Huth’s complaint without any further proceedings. Yesterday, the Court of Appeal ruled on Mr. Cosby’s petition. They rejected his effort to reverse the Superior Court’s decision which means that Judy Huth’s case against Mr. Cosby can now move forward. If Mr. Cosby asks the California Supreme Court to review this matter we will oppose that effort and also take steps to proceed with discovery which will include taking Mr. Cosby’s deposition. We are very happy about the Court of Appeal decision yesterday which allows Ms. Huth’s case to proceed rather than being dismissed. It is very important to Ms. Huth that she be able to have her day in court in this case.”

05.26.15 – Today Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed a new law extending the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution of rape. Alleged victim of Bill Cosby and attorney Gloria Allred attended the signing ceremony and then held a press conference in Nevada after the bill was signed into law.

05.26.15 – Attorney Gloria Allred and her client an alleged victim of Bill Cosby held a press conference today outside of the Nevada state legislature to react to Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval’s signing a bill (AB212) into law which would lengthen the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution of rape in Nevada. Ms. Allred and her client, Lise-Lotte Lublin, testified in support of the new law because many women had accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault in Nevada, but they were prevented from seeking criminal prosecution of Cosby because it was too late under Nevada’s existing law for the District Attorney to consider prosecution. Ms. Allred’s client, Ms. Lublin and her husband, Benjamin, had previously asked Nevada Assembly Member Irene Bustamante Adams to introduce the bill AB212.

05.06.15 – Today Gloria Allred held a press conference in Los Angeles with a young woman who alleged to police that she had been sexually assaulted by NFL football player Ray McDonald and he subsequently filed a defamation lawsuit against her.

05.06.15 – The District Attorney of Santa Clara County has not yet made a final decision as to whether or not they will prosecute Mr. McDonald. “We believe that Mr. McDonald (formerly a player for the 49ers and currently with the Chicago Bears) filed this lawsuit against my client in order to punish her for reporting the alleged rape to the police or to intimidate her.” In our legal opinion, Mr. McDonald’s lawsuit against our client is against California law and public policy and that is why today we have responded with a motion to strike his lawsuit and have it dismissed with sanctions against him. In addition to our motion to strike and dismiss Mr. McDonald’s lawsuit against our client, yesterday we also filed a cross complaint lawsuit on behalf of our client against Mr. McDonald. In it our client alleges assault and battery, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and false imprisonment. She is seeking damages according to proof at trial. Our client is determined to fight Mr. McDonald in this civil case. “We will not allow NFL football players or any other rich and famous person to intimidate persons who allege that they are rape victims. We look forward to winning justice and to sending a message that we plan to fight back and win.”

05.02.15 – Gloria Allred and her client, Lili Bernard an alleged Bill Cosby victim, join protests and hold press conference in Atlanta, GA where Bill Cosby is performing tonight.

05.02.15 – Bill Cosby is scheduled to perform at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre tonight in Atlanta, GA. The venue has refused to cancel the show or issue refunds to ticketholders who no longer wish to attend. Protestors have gathered outside the venue to protest his performance. Gloria Allred and her client Lili Bernard joined the protest and issued statements to the media.

05.01.15 – Two women who allege that they were drugged and victimized by Bill Cosby and have never before spoken publicly held a news conference today in New York with their attorney Gloria Allred.

05.01.15 – Gloria Allred appeared at a press conference today in New York with 2 brave women who have never previously spoken out in public about their allegations that Mr. Cosby victimized them. One is a writer, Sammie Mays. The other alleged victim is Lili Bernard. Ms. Bernard is an actress who did a guest appearance as a main character in an episode in the last season of the Cosby Show. She alleges that Mr. Cosby drugged and raped her when he was mentoring her in preparation for her appearance in a principal role on the Cosby. Ms. Allred reported that Lili Bernard broke her silence and went to the Atlantic City, NJ police yesterday to file charges against Mr. Cosby. Unlike most states, New Jersey has no statute of limitations for rape.

04.29.15 – Gloria Allred holds press conference in Fairfax, VA to file a $20 Million wrongful death lawsuit with her client Joshua Sylvia-Najdi whose father, a tow truck driver, was killed on the beltway.

04.29.15 – Joshua’s father, Hicham Najdi, was killed on December 29, 2014 by the driver of a Green Line box truck in Fairfax County. Allred points out that “this case is important because it involves a violation of Virginia’s “Move Over Law” which was passed for the protection of emergency responders, law enforcement, tow truck drivers, and members of the public who might need to be in the shoulder lane, because they are an emergency vehicle or because they are assisting a vehicle in an emergency situation.” The complaint alleges that the truck driver, with a bad driving record, did not follow Virginia’s Move Over Law, was also using a cellphone and the truck’s brakes were defective. “Of course no amount of money will ever compensate Josh and his two siblings for the death of their father, but we are very proud of Josh for speaking out and reminding the public that it is extremely important to follow the “Move Over Law” stated Allred. “We are looking forward to working with him and fighting to achieve justice in his case.”

04.23.15 – Bill Cosby- Saint or Sexual Predator? Three new alleged victims of Cosby held a news conference today in Los Angeles with their attorney Gloria Allred.

04.23.15 – Three new women, Janice Baker-Kinney, Marcella Tate and Autumn Burns, who have never previously spoken about their allegations against Cosby, explained in detail what Ms. Cosby did to them. Janice was a bartender at Harrah’s in Nevada where she was allegedly assaulted by Mr. Cosby in the Harrah’s off site mansion. Marcella was a model at the time of the alleged incident and was victimized at the Playboy Mansion in Chicago. Autumn worked as a baccarat starter at the International Hotel in Las Vegas where she was invited up to Cosby’s suite and allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted. Ms. Allred sent this message to Mr. Cosby: “Perhaps he mistakenly believes that no more women will come forward alleging they are victims. If that is what he thinks, we are here today to tell him he is wrong. I can assure him that there will be more, because women are no longer going to be intimidated by Cosby’s celebrity, money or power.”

04.07.15 – Today Gloria Allred filed a dismissal for a lawsuit against Kanye West for wrongfully assaulting her client Daniel Ramos on July 19, 2013.

04.07.15 – On July 19, 2013, Kanye West, a world-famous musician, wrongfully assaulted a videographer who was simply exercising his free speech and doing his job. On August 21, 2013 we filed a lawsuit on behalf of that videographer Daniel Ramos. This case was set for trial next week on April 14, 2015. However, today we filed a dismissal because the case was settled to the satisfaction of the parties. We cannot discuss the details of the settlement, except to say that one important aspect of it was an apology by Kanye West to our client, Daniel Ramos. After the apology, a picture was taken of Mr. West shaking Mr. Ramos’ hand.

03.27.15 – Today two new women who allege that Bill Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted them spoke out publicly in a news conference with their attorney Gloria Allred.

03.27.15 – Bill Cosby will perform his “Far From Finished” tour tonight in Baltimore, Maryland and tomorrow in Charleston, West Virginia. Today two new women, who allege that they believe that they were drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby held a news conference with their attorney, Gloria Allred in Los Angeles. The alleged victims described in detail what they allege Bill Cosby did to them and why they are coming forward now. One alleges that she was sexually assaulted at the Playboy Mansion. The other knew Bill Cosby when she was a child, and alleges that she was 17 when the assault occurred. Ms. Allred also commented on Cosby’s recent pajama video and why she continues to bring women forward.

03.18.15 – Gloria Allred and victim’s family hold vigil and news conference for Salome Rodriguez, Jr. who was allegedly killed by an off duty LAPD police officer on March 13, 2015.

03.18.15 – Gloria Allred and victim’s family hold vigil and news conference for Salome Rodriguez, Jr. who was allegedly killed by an off duty LAPD police officer on March 13, 2015.

03.16.15 – Gloria Allred attends swearing in ceremony of new elected West Hollywood City Council members where she administered the oath to new council member Lindsey Horvath.

03.16.15 – The West Hollywood City Council Chamber was packed with witnesses on Monday night to welcome new council members.

03.13.15 – Today Gloria Allred and her client, an alleged victim of Bill Cosby, testified at a Nevada Assembly hearing in support of AB212 which was introduced by Assembly Member Bustamante Adams and which would eliminate the statute of limitations for the criminal prosecution of rape and sexual assault. If the bill becomes law, it will benefit many rape victims in Nevada even if they are not alleged victims of Bill Cosby.

03.13.15 – Ms. Allred is testifying because she also represents a number of other women who allege that they were drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby in Nevada, but who are also unable to either file a civil lawsuit against Cosby or have him criminally prosecuted because it is too late to do either under the existing statute of limitations. “Existing law requires that criminal proceedings for sexual assault must commence, by way of indictment, criminal information or complaint, within 4 years after the commission of the offense.” This bill eliminates that limitation and provides that there is no limitation of time within which a prosecution for sexual assault must be commenced. The alleged victim of Bill Cosby, Lise-Lotte Lublin will urge that the law be changed because under current Nevada law it is too late for Bill Cosby to be criminally prosecuted for what she alleges he did to her.

03.06.15 – Same sex Michigan couple who want to marry and whose case will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on April 28, 2015 held a news conference in Los Angeles today with their four adopted children, their lawyers and attorney Gloria Allred.

03.06.15 – Next month on April 28, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases (one from Michigan and the other from Kentucky) which challenge the legal ban on same sex marriage. Today we are honored to be joined by the courageous couple April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse from Michigan, whose case will be decided by our nation’s highest court. Their case is DeBoer v. Snyder and the decision in their case will have an impact on marriage equality nationwide because in granting the petition for writs of certiorari, the U.S. Supreme Court said it would answer the following question: “Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex?”

02.12.15 – Bill Cosby: Is he “Far From Finished”? Two more women who allege that they were victims of sexual misconduct by Bill Cosby held a news conference with their attorney Gloria Allred to describe what they suffered because of what they allege Bill Cosby did to them.

02.12.15 – Linda Brown and Lise-Lotte Lublin were 21and 23 years old models when they met Bill Cosby through their modeling agencies. Both believe that they were drugged and one believes she became the victim of sexual violence by Bill Cosby. While these and other victims are suffering, Bill Cosby continues to try to complete what he calls his “Far From Finished” tour. Gloria Allred states that she is “appalled and disgusted by what so many women have told her about Mr. Cosby. The public should ask why Mr. Cosby prefers to battle it out in the court of public opinion rather than placing his confidence in a judge and jury as the alleged victims are willing to do. Justice is long overdue for these brave women and they will be silent no more!”

01.23.15 – Ms. Allred holds press conference in Palm Springs with client whose wife attacked his penis with scissors during sex. She and her client speak outside the Courthouse following the sentencing.

01.23.15 – Today Virginia Valdez was sentenced for the crime that she committed three years ago against her then husband Cesar Valdez. Previously Ms. Valdez entered a plea to assault with a deadly weapon (ADW) with a scissors which is a “one strike” felony. She was sentenced to 420 hours of community service, three years’ probation and a ten year restraining order preventing her from contact with Cesar Valdez. Cesar is speaking out today because he feels that he has been the victim of a double standard and that domestic violence against men is not taken as seriously as spousal violence against women. Is there a double standard? Cesar feels that there is and that men are less likely to be believed because of stereotypes about men. As a feminist Ms. Allred believes that the saying “there is no excuse for abuse” applies equally to men and women. Violence is horrific whether the victims are male or female.

01.07.15 – Today Attorney Gloria Allred, along with three new women who allege that they were victims of Bill Cosby, held a press conference in Los Angeles to describe what happened to them and explain why they are coming forward now.

01.07.15 – At a press conference today in Los Angeles, Attorney Gloria Allred appeared with three new women who allege that they are victims of Bill Cosby. The women described what they allege Mr. Cosby did to them when they were young and very vulnerable. Ms. Allred responded to reports that some alleged victims of Cosby are being investigated by his representatives and she discussed the women’s rights protest being held in Canada this week to address Mr. Cosby’s performances there. Ms. Allred also responded to Phylicia Rashad’s “pathetic” defense of Mr. Cosby stating that Ms. Rashad should be supporting these brave women who have come forward because they refuse to suffer in silence. “They deserve respect and dignity.”

I start every day with the knowledge that helping people and fighting for justice is my duty, and that nothing worthwhile comes without sacrifice, self- discipline, and courage.
Gloria Allred, Fight Back and Win

In the Media

06.20.24 Daily "Coca-Cola heir and celebrity hologram creator Alki David is 'ordered to pay model $900 MILLION' in one of the largest sexual assault verdicts in history - as details emerge of his sick 'Rape Room'" A billionaire media mogul with a string of sexual assault judgments against him has now been ordered to pay $900 million to a former staffer in what is thought to be the largest sexual assault damages award in history. Alkiviades 'Alki' David was warned 'never to think of violating another woman's body' when former production assistant Mahim Khan won a $58 million sexual battery judgment against him in 2019. At that time, the award to Ms. Khan was David's biggest penalty yet, and she was represented in court by high-profile lawyer, Gloria Allred. Khan testified about her sexual harassment claims of what Mr. David did to her as his employee - for example, thrusting his pelvis into her face and simulating oral sex, rubbing her vagina, frequently grabbing her pelvic area, peppering her with unwanted kisses, giving her a lap dance in front of a client, and putting his hands under her dress to cup her breasts. In this new victory for another victim of Mr. David, justice is won for another woman in her sexual assault case against Mr. David in one of the largest sexual assault verdicts in history.

06.18.24 Marie Claire AUS - "Armie Hammer Denies Cannibal Allegations: 'That's Hilarious.'" Armie Hammer Denies Cannibal Allegations: 'That's Hilarious' ( The actor opened up about the sexual misconduct and abuse allegations that were levelled at him three years ago. In the interview on the podcast, Painful Lessons, the actor who has denied myriad allegations from former relationships said ultimately he is grateful for his fall from grace. In January 2021, an anonymous Instagram account was posted with what they claimed to be direct messages sent from Hammer. The texts detailed sexual fantasies, including of rape, violence and cannibalism. Hammer denied all allegations of sexual misconduct. On March 18 of that year, the woman behind the anonymous Instagram account revealed her identity, going by the name Effie. During a press conference alongside her then-attorney Gloria Allred, Effie accused Hammer of violently raping her in 2017. Hours after Effie went public with her allegations, a spokesperson for the LAPD confirmed police were investigating Hammer in relation to an alleged sexual assault. In April 2023, CNN reported that the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office was reviewing claims of sexual assault made against the actor. A month later, it was revealed that he would not face sexual assault charges brought against him by the DAO.

06.18.24 Bloomberg Law, "Munger Tolles Fights Sex Abuse Data Release for Client Privacy." Law firm Munger Tolles & Olson is seeking to protect communications with an exclusive boarding school it investigated for sexual abuse, saying disclosure would discourage such organizations from seeking probes. MTO investigated its client The Thacher School in Ojai, California, and in a report made public in 2021 verified past sexual abuse there. A former Thacher student in 2022 brought a civil complaint against the school, claiming child sex abuse by a former headmaster and an unidentified school nurse in the 1980s. "We're trying to hold Thacher accountable," said Christina Cheung, an attorney for Allred, Maroko & Goldberg, co-founded by prominent plaintiffs' lawyer Gloria Allred, who represents the former student identified as Jane Doe.

06.12.24 Beverly Press/Park LaBrea News - "Robin Tyler blazes through an 'Outstanding' life." This article details the life of Robin Tyler, the first gay comic to come out on American television, and a lifelong civil rights and anti-war activist. Tyler and Diane Olson were the first-same sex couple to be married in Los Angeles County in 2008, and were one of the first two same-sex couples to marry in the state. They had been the first plaintiffs, represented by attorney Gloria Allred, in the high-profile lawsuit that led to the California Supreme Court ruling in favor of marriage equality.

06.10.24 Vajbs - "Alec Baldwin faces new charges in deadly shooting." A grand jury in the US State of New Mexico on Friday issued a new involuntary manslaughter charge against actor Alec Baldwin, following the fatal shooting of cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, on the set of the movie 'Rust' in 2021. Previous charges against the actor were dropped in April. last year, just two weeks before the criminal trial was due to begin. Hutchins' family made a statement through their lawyer, Gloria Allred, saying: "We have always sought the truth about what happened the day Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed." She added: "They continue to seek the truth for themselves in our civil case, and they also want there to be accountability in the criminal justice system."

06.10.24 CNN - "A 'blueprint' for murder: Inside the document prosecutors say Rex Heuermann used to 'plan out his kills'" An architect by trade, Gilgo Beach killings suspect Rex Heuermann allegedly kept a chilling "planning document" to "methodically blueprint" - in the words of prosecutors - how to select, kill and dispose of his victims. On the day Heuermann pleaded not guilty to the latest charges of second-degree murder in the 2003 death of Jessica Taylor and the 1993 death of Sandra Costilla, prosecutors revealed the content of the manual they said he used to "plan out his kills" with scrupulous and fanatical attention to detail. Taylor's mother, Elizabeth Baczkiel is represented by attorney Gloria Allred.

06.09.24 NewsNation - "Families of new Gilgo Beach victims 'standing strong:' Gloria Allred." Gloria Allred, who represents the families of some of the Gilgo beach victims, says the family of Jessica Taylor is standing strong now that Rex Heuermann has been formally charged with her death. Allred tells "NewsNation Prime" the families are very happy that Heuermann is in custody and will not be granted bail.

06.08.24 NewsNation - "Amber Frey is 'living her life:' Attorney Gloria Allred." Amber Frey, whose blind date with Scott Peterson changed her life, remains a person with character and integrity, says her attorney, Gloria Allred. She tells "Dan Abrams Live" that Frey would testify again should Peterson win a new trial. But Allred says there was a "mountain of evidence" that resulted in the conviction of Peterson for killing his wife and unborn child.

06.07.24 E News - "Alec Baldwin & Other Rust Workers Hit With New Lawsuit From Halyna Hutchins' Family After Shooting." Alec Baldwin and many others involved in the production of Rust are facing a lawsuit from late cinematographer Halyna Hutchins' family and Rust script supervisor over Hutchins' 2021 death. The family is seeking damages for emotional distress over Hutchins' death, while Mamie Mitchell, script supervisor, is seeking damages related to the "severe emotional and physical injuries she has suffered" due to witnessing the incident. Mitchell and the family of Hutchins are represented by attorney Gloria Allred.

06.07.24 The Wrap - "Halyna Hutchins' Family Sues Alec Baldwin for Playing 'Russian Roulette With a Loaded Gun on 'Rust'" Alec Baldwin is facing yet another lawsuit for his actions on the set of western drama "Rust" that resulted in the death of Halyna Hutchins — this time, once again from the late cinematographer's family. In a Wednesday civil suit obtained by TheWrap, Hutchins' mother Olga Solovey, father Anatolii Androsovych, sister Svetlana Zemko and "Rust" script supervisor Mamie Mitchell accused the actor and producer — amongst many others involved — of intentional and/or negligent acts on Oct. 21, 2021, in New Mexico. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents Mamie Mitchell and Hutchins' family, said in a press statement that the lawsuit seeks, "to hold lead actor and producer Alec Baldwin, along with other producers and individuals, liable for Halyna's untimely and tragic death."

06.07.24 The Suffolk Times - "Alleged Gilgo Beach killer charged with two additional murders linked to remains found on East End." Alleged Gilgo Beach serial killer, Rex A. Heuermann, was indicted June 6, 2024, on two counts of second-degree murder for the killing of two women: the July 2003 death of Jessica Taylor, whose partial remains were found in Manorville, and Sandra Costilla, whose body was found in Southampton more than 30 years ago. A handful of family members of Mr. Heuermann's alleged victims attended the press conference following the indictment. Attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing the families of some of the Gilgo victims, read a statement prepared by Ms. Taylor's mother, Elizabeth Baczkiel.

06.07.24 The Spectator - "The Baldwins reality show announced ahead of manslaughter trial." The announcement for Alec Baldwin's new family friendly reality show comes just a month before Baldwin's manslaughter trial is set to begin. In January, Baldwin was indicted on the charge after fatally shooting Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on set. If convicted, Baldwin faces up to eighteen months behind bars. Gloria Allred, the lawyer for Hutchins's family, said she doesn't trust the timing of the announcement. "This appears, to me, to be a calculated and cynical public relations move to try to influence the jury pool in New Mexico to think of him as a sympathetic family man rather than as the killer of Halyna Hutchins."

06.07.24 News Tribune - "Jessica Taylors' mother, Elizabeth Baczkiel, listens as attorney Gloria Allred reads her statement during a news conference in Riverhead, N.Y." Jessica Taylors' mother, Elizabeth Baczkiel, left, listens as attorney Gloria Allred, right, reads her statement during a news conference in Riverhead, N.Y., Thursday, June 6, 2024. Rex Heuermann, previously accused of killing four women and leaving their corpses scattered along a coastal highway, was charged Thursday, in the deaths of two more, Taylor and Sandra Costil, after prosecutors said they gathered new DNA evidence and found a computer document he had used to "blueprint" his crimes.

06.07.24 Fox News - "Suspected Long Island serial killer's notes outlined meticulous murder plot: court docs." Prosecutors now say suspected serial killer Rex Heuermann kept meticulous notes on how to kill and get away with it as his alleged methodology changed over the course of nearly two decades and at least six murders he is accused of committing. On Thursday June 6, 2024, Prosecutors charged Heuermann with the deaths of Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla. Gloria Allred, attorney for the family of Jessica Taylor, spoke to the media alongside Elizabeth Baczkiel, mother of Taylor, after accused Long Island serial killer Rex Heuermann appeared in Suffolk County Court in Riverhead, New York.

06.07.24 News Max - "Gloria Allred: Alec Baldwin Making 'Cynical' PR Move With New Show." High-profile feminist lawyer Gloria Allred, who is representing the family of Halyna Hutchins, slammed actor Alec Baldwin for launching a reality TV series about his family just a month before he stands trial for involuntary manslaughter in the death of the late cinematographer.

06.07.24 USA Today - "Suffolk DA: Poughkeepsie native was also victim of suspected Gilgo Beach serial killer." Rex Heuermann, the man accused of killing four sex workers and dumping their bodies on Long Island's Gilgo Beach in New York, was indicted Thursday in the slayings of two more women, Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla, as authorities revealed disturbing new evidence − including a "planning document" allegedly found on Heuermann's computer. The mother of Jessica Taylor, Elizabeth Baczkiel, made a statement after Heuermann appeared in court on June 6, 2024, that was read at the press conference by her attorney, Gloria Allred.

06.07.24 Law & Crime - Just one day after he announced a new TLC reality show featuring himself, his wife, and their children, actor Alec Baldwin was sued in Santa Fe, New Mexico, court along with numerous others associated with the film "Rust" over the 2021 prop gun movie set shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. The lawsuit filed Wednesday by Hutchins' Ukraine-based parents, Anatolii Androsovych and Olga Solovey, her sister Svetlana Zemko, reportedly rehashes allegations Mamie Mitchell made in a California lawsuit against Baldwin while represented by attorney Gloria Allred, namely, that Baldwin "chose to play Russian Roulette with a loaded gun without checking it or having the Armorer do so" and that he "intentionally, and without just cause or excuse, cocked and fired the loaded gun," resulting in Hutchins' tragic but avoidable death.

06.07.24 The Washington Times - "Family of 'Rust' shooting victim not done with Alec Baldwin, shifts civil lawsuit to New Mexico." Alec Baldwin is facing a new lawsuit from the family of "Rust" cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who he shot with a prop gun and killed during production in 2021. Gloria Allred filed a civil lawsuit in the First Judicial District of New Mexico for Santa Fe on behalf of Hutchins' family. The suit claims that cost-cutting measures on the film's production led to the discharge of a live bullet that killed Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza.

06.06.24 America Tonight - "Family of Woman Killed in 'Rust' Shooting Launches New Lawsuit Against Alec Baldwin." Attorney Gloria Allred joins America Tonight to discuss the new civil case that was filed in New Mexico against actor, Alec Baldwin, for his role in the death of cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, on the set of the western film, 'Rust'.

06.06.24 KTSM - "Man charged in Gilgo Beach serial killings kept 'blueprint' of crimes on computer, prosecutors say." The New York architect accused of murdering multiple women and leaving their corpses scattered along the Long Island coast kept a "blueprint" of his crimes on his computer, prosecutors revealed as they brought charges against Rex Heuermann in two more killings. On June 6, 2024, Heuermann, appeared before a judge to be arraigned in the deaths of Jessica Taylor and Sandra Costilla. Taylor's mother, Elizabeth Baczkiel, was at the courthouse for Thursday's hearing. She held up childhood photos of her daughter but didn't speak to reporters. Her lawyer, Gloria Allred, read a statement from Baczkiel in which she described her daughter as "loving, compassionate and so funny," and said she would have made a great mother.

06.06.24 KOAT - "Alec Baldwin, others, facing new lawsuit over 'Rust' film shooting death." A new lawsuit has been filed against several people, including actor Alec Baldwin, for their alleged roles in the fatal shooting of cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins, on the set of the movie 'Rust.' Attorney Gloria Allred represents Hutchins' mother, father, younger sister, who live near Kyiv, and the film's script supervisor, Mamie Mitchel, who resides in Santa Fe.

06.06.24 Daily News - Family of victim newly connected to Gilgo Beach serial killer remember loving daughter who will 'never be forgotten'. After prosecutors linked Jessica Taylor's death to accused Long Island serial killer Rex Heuermann on Thursday, the victim's still-heartbroken mother, Elizabeth Baczkiel, left it up to her lawyer to deliver her emotional tribute. "Jessica, my darling daughter, you will never be forgotten," attorney Gloria Allred read from the parent's moving statement outside a Suffolk County courthouse. "You will always be missed! You will forever be in our hearts." In a new indictment released Thursday, prosecutors said Taylor, 20, and another victim, 28-year-old Sandra Costilla, were killed by Heuermann. He was previously charged with the deaths of four sex workers whose remains were found near one another along a stretch of Ocean Parkway known as Gilgo Beach between late fall 2010 and early spring 2011.

06.06.24 News 12 Long Island - 'Loving and compassionate.' Family members remember Gilgo Beach victim Jessica Taylor. Attorney Gloria Allred, while standing next to Taylor's mom, Elizabeth Baczkiel, read a statement from Baczkiel, who said she misses how Taylor called her "mommy" and "mama." Baczkiel said that Jessica was "loving and compassionate and so funny" and loved to make people laugh. She described her daughter as someone who tried "very hard" in school. She said Jessica loved to cuddle with her and her brothers when she was a child. She recounted how they'd all "pile on the couch" and watch television. Baczkiel said that Taylor will never be forgotten and will forever be in their hearts.

06.05.24 TMZ - Halyna Hutchins' family's attorney is pissed about Alec Baldwin's new reality show ... side-eyeing the timing of the announcement and referring to it as a public relations stunt. Gloria Allred -- who's repping members of the late cinematographer's family -- tells TMZ ... she's not buying any sort of coincidence in the announcement's release coming just a month before his involuntary manslaughter criminal trial begins. She says, "This appears to me, to be a calculated and cynical public relations move to try to influence the jury pool in New Mexico to think of him as a sympathetic family man rather than as the killer of Halyna Hutchins."

06.05.24 Variety - "LGBTQ Pride 2024: Janelle Monáe Gives 'Midsommar' and Kylie Minogue Debuts New Song." It's that time of year when the LGBTQ community and its allies celebrate Pride. Attorney Gloria Allred and "RuPaul's Drag Race" star, Trinity The Tuck, appeared together in the West Hollywood Pride Parade to encourage parade goers to fight against the ongoing war on women.

06.03.24 Nine Australia - "All the celebrities celebrating Pride Month in 2024." Feminist lawyer, Gloria Allred, and drag queen, Trinity The Tuck, appeared together in the 2024 WeHo Pride Parade to encourage attendees to use their vote as their weapon in the upcoming presidential election.

06.03.24 WWD - The WeHo Pride Parade is an annual LGBTQ+ celebration held in West Hollywood, Calif. This year's event was held on June 2 with celebrity attendees including Cyndi Lauper, Lizzo, Garcelle Beauvais, Sutton Stracke, Gloria Allred and more.

06.02.24 CBC News - "Trump's felony conviction is 'accountability', says Allred." Gloria Allred, prominent American attorney and women's rights activist, spoke with Rosemary Barton of CBC News regarding former U.S. president Donald Trump's recent conviction, stating the jury made the right decision in the trial. Allred says Trump has had 'such negative impact on women' and the conviction brings some accountability.

05.31.24 UInterview - Manhattan prosecutors revealed in court Wednesday that they are evaluating new sexual misconduct claims against Harvey Weinstein as they prepare for his upcoming retrial on rape and sexual assault charges. Weinstein's lawyer, Arthur Aidala, remained confident outside the courthouse that no new accusers would substantively bolster the prosecution's case against his 72-year-old client. The hearing also addressed a prosecution request for the court to caution Weinstein's team about publicly disparaging potential witnesses before the retrial. Aidala apologized for remarks perceived as attempting to intimidate one accuser, Miriam Haley, but maintained his client deserves a "vigorous defense." Haley's lawyer, Gloria Allred, criticized Aidala's "vicious and false" courtroom comments about her client. However, Haley has expressed reluctance to testify again and has not decided whether to participate in the retrial.

05.29.24 Associated Press - "Harvey Weinstein may face new charges as more accusers come forward, New York prosecutors say." Manhattan prosecutors told a judge they are evaluating more claims of sexual misconduct made against Harvey Weinstein and could potentially seek a new indictment against him before his scheduled retrial on rape and sexual assault charges. Earlier in the hearing, Judge Farber addressed a letter from prosecutors requesting that the court remind Weinstein's lawyers not to discuss or disparage potential witnesses in public ahead of the retrial. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office argues that Aidala made statements earlier this month that were meant to intimidate Miriam Haley, a former TV and film production assistant who Weinstein was convicted of sexually assaulting. Haley's lawyer, Gloria Allred, said outside the courthouse that her client hasn't made a decision yet about whether she'll participate in the retrial.

05.25.24 Associated Press - "Prosecutors in Harvey Weinstein's New York case cry foul over defense lawyer's comments." Prosecutors in New York have accused Harvey Weinstein's lead defense lawyer, Arthur Aidala, of making public statements intended to intimidate a potential witness ahead of the fallen movie mogul's retrial and asked a judge to take action. Aidala said he believes Mimi Haley, one of the lead prosecution witnesses in Weinstein's case, lied to the jury about her motive in coming forward, which prosecutors rebut. Haley said last month at a news conference with her attorney, Gloria Allred, that she did not want to go through the trauma of testifying again, "but for the sake of keeping going and doing the right thing and because it is what happened, I would consider it."

05.24.24 New York Times - Weinstein's Lawyer Tried to Intimidate Witnesses, Prosecutors Say. Arthur Aidala, one of Harvey Weinstein's lawyers, has questioned a witness's credibility as prosecutors seek to retry Mr. Weinstein on sex crimes charges. They accused him of violating the rules with critical public statements about Miriam Haley, a television production assistant. She testified at Mr. Weinstein's 2020 trial that he forced oral sex on her in his Manhattan apartment in July 2006. Mr. Aidala not only reasserted his client's innocence but made several statements about key accusers in Mr. Weinstein's 2020 trial, as well as about Gloria Allred, a lawyer who has represented several of Mr. Weinstein's accusers in New York and in his similar case in Los Angeles.

05.22.24 CNN - "Intimate partner violence: Focusing on the survivors, not the perpetrators." In the wake of the media frenzy resulting from the leaked video of Sean Combs abusing his ex-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura, attorney Gloria Allred joins advocates and survivors of domestic abuse, Lejla Dauti and April Hernandez Castillo, to emphasize the experiences of survivors in a panel hosted by CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

05.20.24 NBC 4 - Fallout continues for Sean 'Diddy' Combs after apology for attacking Cassie. Combs' apology for the attack that was caught on a hotel surveillance camera is being rejected by his ex Cassie Ventura, as well as people who are sharing their thoughts on social media because he was initially adamant in denying the allegations. Attorney Gloria Allred represents several more "Diddy" accusers and tells NBC 4 she does not think the violence that was seen on the video is an isolated incident, and because of the federal raids at Combs' homes he is still in legal jeopardy.

05.20.24 News Nation - "Diddy attack video: From leak to apology, how the story unraveled." Sean "Diddy" Combs admitted he beat his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura in a hotel hallway in 2016 after CNN released a video of the attack, saying he was "truly sorry" for his "inexcusable" actions. In November 2023, Ventura filed a lawsuit in the Federal District Court of Manhattan, alleging Combs had physically and sexually abused her for years during their relationship. Victims' rights attorney, Gloria Allred, described the video of Combs's abuse as disgusting, disturbing, and very troubling.

05.19.24 Rolling Out - "Diddy won't be prosecuted for Cassie but he'll face other charges, says lawyer." After disturbing footage of Sean "Diddy" Combs abusing his then girlfriend was leaked online, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office told the public on its Instagram page that they are powerless to pursue any charges against Sean Combs due to the statute of limitations. However, celebrity attorney Gloria Allred said Diddy could still be charged in the brutal beatdown of Cassie if federal investigators can tie sex trafficking to that incident in Los Angeles in 2016. He could still get indicted as sex trafficking has a 10-year statute of limitation.

05.19.24 CBC News - "Sean (Diddy) Combs's legal troubles not over yet despite statute of limitations, Gloria Allred says." Gloria Allred, an attorney who has represented women in cases alleging sexual assault against high-profile celebrities, says despite the statute of limitations expiring regarding 2016 video showing Sean (Diddy) Combs beating his ex-girlfriend Cassie, he could still face federal charges after authorities recovered electronic devices during raids on his homes.

05.18.24 New Nation - "Diddy video could be used in RICO case: Victims' rights attorney." Prominent victims' rights attorney Gloria Allred said the leaked surveillance video showing rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs assaulting his ex-girlfriend could potentially lead to federal racketeering charges against him if it provides evidence of sex crimes like trafficking. Allred who has represented other alleged victims of Combs, said she wasn't surprised by the "disgusting" and "disturbing" footage based on accounts from her clients, though she didn't disclose details.

05.16.24 Newsmax - Allred: Defense 'cutting, mincing, dicing, slicing' Cohen's testimony. On Thursday's "Newsline," attorney Gloria Allred said Donald Trump's defense team has been very effective in taking apart the testimony of Michael Cohen.

05.15.24 US Weekly - Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is looking to overturn her involuntary manslaughter conviction in connection with the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, Us Weekly can confirm. Gutierrez-Reed was found guilty on March 6 and sentenced to 18 months in prison the following month on April 15. Her lawyers filed a motion to appeal the conviction on Monday, May 13, according to court documents obtained by TMZ. Gutierrez-Reed is also requesting to be released from prison pending the outcome of the appeal. Following Gutierrez-Reed's conviction in March, attorneys for Hutchins' family said her relatives were "satisfied" with the outcome of the trial. "Halyna's parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna's death to be held accountable. Today was the first trial and conviction in the criminal justice process," said attorneys Gloria Allred and John Carpenter.

05.09.24 Washington Examiner "Harvey Weinstein-inspired bill allows previous sexual assault evidence to be used against defendants in New York." A bill introduced to the New York Assembly will allow prosecutors to use a defendant's prior sexual assault history to be used as evidence in a sexual assault proceeding, allowing prosecutors to establish a pattern of behavior of a defendant's "bad acts." The bill was written in direct response to the overturning of Harvey Weinstein's sex crimes conviction in New York at the end of April 2024. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents several victims of Weinstein, stressed the importance for the New York Legislature to pass a specific statute that clearly defines the admission of 'prior bad acts' witnesses and their testimony in New York.

05.09.24 CNN - Citing the recent overturning of Harvey Weinstein's sex crimes conviction in New York, members of the New York State Assembly are introducing a bill this week that would amend the state's criminal procedure law to allow evidence of a defendant's prior sexual assault to be admissible as evidence in a sexual assault proceeding. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represented a woman whose testimony made up the first-degree criminal sexual act charge, told CNN last week she believes legislation is necessary to help clarify the current law. "I think it's important for the New York Legislature to pass a specific statute in New York, which more clearly defines the admission of 'prior bad acts' witnesses and their testimony in New York, and is more protective of victims' rights in sex crimes criminal cases," Allred said.

05.06.24 The Blast "Alec Baldwin and 'Rust' Armorer Hannah Guiterrez-Reed Had A Joint Defense Agreement." According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Alec Baldwin had entered into a joint defense agreement with Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. In January 2023, both were originally charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of 'Rust' cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who's parents and sister are represented by attorney Gloria Allred. Baldwin had allegedly agreed to publicly state that he had never had any issues working with Hannah Gutierrez-Reed on set and that he did not believe that she created an unsafe environment on set. In April 2024, Gutierrez Reed was sentenced to the state maximum of 18 months behind bars.

05.02.24 Newsweek - "Wheelchair-Bound Harvey Weinstein's Day in Court: Here's What Happened." Disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein sat in a wheelchair in court on May 1, 2024, during a hearing in Manhattan Criminal Court in New York City - his first public appearance since his 2020 rape conviction was overturned at the end of April, 2024. In the now-overturned case, Weinstein was convicted of third-degree rape for an attack on aspiring actor Jessica Mann in 2013 and forcing himself on a production assistant, Mimi Haley, in 2006. Weinstein pleaded not guilty and maintained that any sexual activity was consensual. Gloria Allred, lawyer for Haley, held up a "Me Too" sign outside of the courtroom. She said her client, who was not in court Wednesday, has not decided if she will testify at the retrial, according to the Associated Press.

05.01.24 Screen Daily - "Harvey Weinstein to be retried after New York conviction overturned." On Wednesday May 1, 2024, the Manhattan District Attorney's Office reported that Harvey Weinstein will be retried in New York on rape and sexual offense charges after his 23-year conviction was overturned on appeal. Reports said Attorney Gloria Allred and Weinstein accuser Jessica Mann attended the hearing.

05.01.24 90.5 WESA - "Harvey Weinstein's New York trial, round two, is likely to move forward in the fall." On May 1, 2024, the Manhattan district attorney's office told the Acting Justice of the New York County Supreme Court, Judge Curtis Farber, that they intend to pursue a new trial against disgraced former movie mogul, Harvey Weinstein, after his previous New York felony sex crime conviction was overturned last week. The new trial is slated to begin sometime after Labor Day, according to Judge Curtis Farber. It is unclear whether all the women whose accusations were part of the first round of New York charges will be willing to testify again in front of a new jury. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents accuser, Mimi Haley, said that Haley has not reached a decision whether or not she will retestify.

05.01.24 Independent - "Harvey Weinstein facing September retrial after New York rape conviction overturned." Harvey Weinstein, disgraced Hollywood producer, is set to be retried as early as September, a New York court decided on Wednesday in the first hearing since the movie mogul's conviction for rape and sexual assault was overturned. Arthur Aidala, an attorney for Weinstein arrived at the Manhattan courtroom around 2pm ET, when the hearing was scheduled to begin. Gloria Allred, the famed attorney who has represented some of Weinstein's accusers, was also spotted in the hearing as was Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and Jessica Mann, a former actress who accused Weinstein of rape during his New York criminal trial.

05.01.24 WABI 5 - "Prosecutors seek trial for Harvey Weinstein in first court appearance since NY rape conviction was tossed." Prosecutors asked for a September retrial for Harvey Weinstein during a hearing on May 1, 2024, in Manhattan, the disgraced movie mogul's first court appearance since his 2020 rape conviction was overturned by an appeals court last week. Speaking after the hearing, Haley's lawyer, Gloria Allred, said her client still hasn't decided whether she wants to testify at the retrial, noting that doing so at the original trial was traumatizing and painful.

05.01.24 The Spokesman-Review - "Harvey Weinstein's retrial in N.Y. rape case expected after Labor Day." Former film producer Harvey Weinstein's rape case is expected to be retried sometime after the Labor Day holiday, a judge said Wednesday, as the frail-looking defendant made his first Manhattan court appearance in years. Weinstein's 2020 conviction in the rape case was overturned last week by New York state's highest court, the Court of Appeals, which determined that rulings by the original judge allowed prejudicial evidence into the proceeding. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents accuser Mimi Haley, was in the courtroom.

05.01.24 ITV News - "Harvey Weinstein prosecutors seek a retrial after 2020 New York rape conviction overturned." Harvey Weinstein was back in court on May 1, 2024, as his 2020 rape conviction was overturned, and a new trial ordered. The preliminary hearing in Manhattan is scheduled to include discussion of evidence, scheduling and other matters. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents accuser Mimi Haley, said in an interview that the reversal and the order for a new trial "will be and has been retraumatizing."

05.01.24 NPR - In a New York criminal courtroom Wednesday afternoon, the Manhattan district attorney's office told Judge Curtis Farber that they intend to pursue a new trial against disgraced former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, after his previous New York felony sex crime conviction was overturned last week. The new trial is slated to begin sometime after Labor Day, according to Judge Curtis Farber. It is unclear whether all the women whose accusations were part of the first round of New York charges will be willing to testify again in front of a new jury. Attorney Gloria Allred, who has represented accuser Mimi Haleyi, said in a press conference Wednesday afternoon: "Mimi has not yet reached a decision whether or not she will agree to testify in the new trial.

05.01.24 CNN - The Manhattan District Attorney's Office will retry the sex crimes case against Harvey Weinstein, a prosecutor told the court Wednesday at the former movie producer's first hearing since his conviction was overturned. Manhattan prosecutors could face some significant challenges in retrying Weinstein's case. The New York charges were directly based on the testimony of Miriam Haley and Jessica Mann. Haley said last week she would consider testifying again in a retrial but noted the downsides of doing so. After Wednesday's hearing, her attorney Gloria Allred said Haley still has not decided whether she will testify again. "It involves so much re-traumatizing and re-hashing and re-living over and over again," Haley said. "I definitely don't want to go through that again."

04.29.24 The Blast - "Rust" armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of Halyna Hutchins. It took a jury less than three hours to reach their verdict. At the sentencing hearing, Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer sentenced her to the state maximum of 18 months behind bars. The day after the jury came back with a guilty verdict, Halyna Hutchins' mother, father, and sister released a statement through their attorney, Gloria Allred, who is representing them in a civil lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and other "Rust" producers. "Halyna's parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna's death to be held accountable," Allred said, adding, "Today was the first trial and conviction in the criminal justice process.

04.29.24 Christian Science Monitor - Harvey Weinstein's rape conviction was overturned. What does that mean for #MeToo? Those who saw Mr. Weinstein's convictions as victories, more broadly, for the rights of women and survivors of sexual assault, have responded to the news with dismay, saying the successful appeal betrays #MeToo's legacy. Women need to pay attention, they say - and get organized. "We have to keep pushing forward," says Gloria Allred, the women's rights attorney who represented one of the key prosecution witnesses in Mr. Weinstein's New York trial.

04.28.24 CBC News Canada - "Women's rights advocate Gloria Allred on the court ruling ordering a new trial for Harvey Weinstein." Gloria Allred sits down with Deana Sumanac-Johnson of the CBC Newsroom to discuss Harvey Weinstein's criminal sexual assault conviction reversal. The reversal was ordered in a ruling by the New York Court of Appeals on April 25, 2024.

04.27.24 AP - Retrial of Harvey Weinstein unlikely to occur soon, if ever, experts say. The daunting path to a new trial was clear Friday when Miriam Haley, one of two women at the heart of the charges against Weinstein, said during an electronic news conference that she "will consider testifying again, should there be another trial," but declined to commit to a new trial when questioned further about it. During the news conference with her lawyer, Gloria Allred, Haley said the appeals ruling was "a terrible decision that sends an extremely disheartening message to victims of sexual assaults everywhere."

04.26.24 Independent - "Fury as Harvey Weinstein rape conviction overturned as Manhattan prosecutor commits to retry case." Weinstein, 72, was found guilty in 2020 of raping and assaulting two women and is serving his 23-year sentence at a prison in upstate New York. In a 4-3 decision at the end of April 2024, New York's highest court ruled the original judge made "egregious errors" in the trial by allowing prosecutors to call witnesses whose allegations were not related to the charges at hand. Mimi Haley was one of two women that Weinstein was convicted of raping in New York. She issued a statement through her attorney, Gloria Allred, who also represented two other women who testified.

04.26.24 CNN - The star witness in Harvey Weinstein's historic rape trial says she would consider testifying in a new trial, after the former Hollywood producer's New York conviction was overturned by the New York Court of Appeals this week. "We're all in a bit of shock," Haley said on Friday during a press conference with her attorney Gloria Allred after the conviction was overturned. "I felt sick to my stomach and my heart sank." She continued, "This isn't just about me. It's a really important case. It's in the public eye, which is difficult for me personally, but is important for the collective. Those are the reasons I would still do it again. I'm not just doing it for myself."

04.21.24 The Blast - "Alec Baldwin Reportedly Struggling To Cope With 'Stressful' 'Rust' Trial." Actor Alec Baldwin is reportedly having a hard time navigating the upcoming 'Rust' trial. On October 21, 2021, a gun that actor Alec Baldwin was holding went off, killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and hospitalizing director Joel Souza, who was standing behind her when the gun went off. Armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Halyna's parents and sister are being represented by attorney Gloria Allred, who is also representing 'Rust' script supervisor Mamie Mitchell in a separate lawsuit.

04.20.24 Associated Press - A movie weapons supervisor was sentenced to 18 months in prison in the fatal shooting of a cinematographer by Alec Baldwin on the set of the Western film "Rust," during a hearing Monday in which tearful family members and friends gave testimonials that included calls for justice and a punishment that would instill greater accountability for safety on film sets. Movie armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was convicted in March by a jury on a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and has been held for more than a month at a county jail on the outskirts of Santa Fe. Gloria Allred, attorney Halyna Hutchins' parents and sister - on judge's decision: "I think the judge was very clear about the factual basis that supported her conclusion that the most serious option should be the one that she handed down."

04.17.24 Los Angeles Times - Former CBS President Leslie Moonves will pay $15,000 to settle a Los Angeles city ethics complaint over his role in an alleged cover-up of sexual assault accusations against him. Then-Police Capt. Cory Palka allegedly worked with Moonves and other CBS executives to bury a complaint made to the LAPD by a former colleague, Phyllis Golden-Gottlieb, alleging that Moonves had sexually assaulted her in the 1980s, according to the ethics complaint. Golden-Gottlieb died in 2022. Gloria Allred, an attorney representing Golden-Gottlieb's children, said in a statement that city law should be changed to allow "more significant punishments in the future for ethics violations."

04.14.24 CNN - Fashion that doesn't fly: The turbulent issue of airline dress code policies. It has happened to a model, a medical doctor and a hairstylist, along with many other airline passengers: being singled out or denied boarding on a flight for their fashion choices. The typical first move for passengers involved: airing their complaints on social media. Most recently, a passenger took her outrage a step further by retaining high-profile civil rights attorney Gloria Allred after an incident on Delta Air Lines in January 2024. On a flight from Salt Lake City to San Francisco, Lisa Archbold said she was "treated like a criminal" for not wearing a bra under her top. She says she was escorted off the plane by the gate agent and allowed to fly only after she put a shirt over her "revealing" outfit.

04.13.24 Pink Villa - "Hollywood Reacts to OJ Simpson's Passing as Caitlyn Jenner Does Not Budge From Words." Infamous celebrity, O.J. Simpson, passed away from cancer on Wednesday April 10, 2024. O.J. Simpson was a former NFL star, and later became known for being on trial for the murder of his then ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman, in 1994. Attorney Gloria Allred who represented the family of Nicole Brown Simpson during the murder trial spoke to New York's local ABC station and told the public to take time to remember the victims and to not mourn for Simpson.

04.12.24 YouTube - The Project - "O.J. Simpson, Alleged Killer & NFL Star, Dead Aged 76." While some will mourn the loss of NFL player, O.J. Simpson, others will remember him as an alleged cold-blooded killer. Former Attorney for the family of Nicole Brown Simpson, Gloria Allred, joins The Project to discuss the infamous trial that shocked the world 30 years ago.

04.12.24 VT - "Ron Goldman's father shares heartbreaking statement following O.J. Simpson's death." O.J. Simpson, the iconic football star whose life was marred by controversy after his widely publicized trial for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman, in 1994, has passed away at the age of 76. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represented Brown's family during the trial, reflected on the broader implications, stating: "Simpson's death reminds us that the legal system, even 30 years later, is still failing battered women."

04.12.24 Fox 11 Los Angeles "The Issue Is - Gloria Allred, Wally Adeyemo." Gloria joins Elex Michaelson on, The Issue Is, to discuss several controversial topics, including O.J. Simpon's complicated legacy in the wake of his death at the age of 76, as well as Gloria's esteemed career and the many high-profile cases she has taken over the decades.

04.12.24 The Hollywood Reporter "Ron Goldman's Family Calls O.J. Simpson's Death "a Mixed Bag of Complicated Emotions." The family of the late Ronald Goldman, whom O.J. Simpson was accused of murdering along with his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, is calling the death of the man they believe killed Ron, "a mixed bag of complicated emotions." Goldman's family maintains they will continue to advocate for the rights of victims and survivors. On a similar note, attorney Gloria Allred, who represented Brown Simpson's family in Simpson's trial, was focused on the victims as she reacted to the news of Simpson's death, claiming "The system failed Nicole Brown Simpson and failed battered women everywhere."

04.12.24 Fox 11 - The Issue Is: Gloria Allred, Wally Adeyemo. This week, Gloria Allred joins Elex to discuss OJ Simpson's complicated legacy. Wally Adeyemo, Deputy Treasury Secretary, also joins the show to assess the state of the U.S. economy.

04.11.24 The Hollywood Reporter - Gloria Allred, the attorney who represented Nicole Brown Simpson's family in O.J. Simpson's headline-making murder trial, has spoken out after Simpson's death. The family of the former football star and actor announced Thursday that the 76-year-old died from cancer. Brown Simpson was famously found murdered in 1994 outside her Brentwood condominium, along with her friend Ronald Goldman. Her late ex-husband, O.J. Simpson, was accused of their murders and ultimately acquitted of the charges. In wake of the news of Simpson's death, Allred shared that she isn't mourning the controversial figure and called upon the public to remember the victims instead.

04.11.24 The South African - "'Rest in Peace': Tributes pour in for the late O.J. Simpson." Former NFL star Orenthal James "O.J." Simpson was surrounded by his family on Wednesday April 10, 2024, when he died. Simpson became known for being on trial for the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represented Nicole Brown Simpson's family during the murder trial responded to the news of his death saying: "Simpson's death reminds us that the legal system even 30 years later is still failing battered women and that the power of celebrity men to avoid true justice for the harm that they inflict on their wives or significant others is still a major obstacle to the right of women to be free of the gender violence to which they are still subjected."

04.11.24 Two of the attorneys connected to O.J. Simpson's infamous criminal trial are reflecting on the case's lasting impact on the justice system, and society at large ... and they view key issues from the trial very differently. Gloria Allred, famed attorney and women's rights advocate, joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live" to share her memories of representing Nicole Brown Simpson's family. Watch here:

04.11.24 7News - O.J. Simpson should have been "ashamed to walk this earth", the lawyer who represented his late wife Nicole Brown-Simpson said. Simpson should be remembered as "a person who killed two people" rather than as a famous footballer turned actor, lawyer Gloria Allred said on Sunrise on Friday. Watch the video: Nicole Brown-Simpson's lawyer Gloria Allred delivers a vicious spray on OJ Simpson during an appearance on Sunrise.

04.11.24 Prominent figures associated with O.J. Simpson's highly publicized murder trial have reacted to his death at the age of 76 after a battle with cancer. The former football great was accused of and ultimately acquitted of the brutal 1994 slayings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman, in what was dubbed the "Trial of the Century." Though he was acquitted of murder charges, a civil jury found Simpson liable in 1997 for wrongful death in the double murder. He was ordered to pay $33.5 million in damages to the Brown and Goldman families. "I feel that the system failed Nicole Brown Simpson and failed battered women everywhere," attorney Gloria Allred, who once represented Nicole Brown Simpson's family, told ABC New York station WABC on Thursday. "I don't mourn for O.J. Simpson. I do mourn for Nicole Brown Simpson and her family and they should be remembered."

04.11.24 CNN - O.J. Simpson dead at 76. Gloria Allred, the star Los Angeles attorney who represented Nicole Brown Simpson's family during O.J. Simpson's criminal trial, said the former football star's death is a reminder of the justice system "failing battered women" and allowing "celebrity men to avoid true justice." Simpson was acquitted of murder in the 1995 criminal case stemming from the brutal killings of Brown Simpson, his ex-wife, and her friend Ron Goldman. A civil trial jury unanimously deemed Simpson liable for the deaths two years later.

04.11.24 KSL News - Reaction to the death of O.J. Simpson after prostate cancer. He was 76. Simpson's family announced the news on his X account. Relatives said he died Wednesday. "I feel that the system failed Nicole Brown Simpson and failed battered women everywhere. I don't mourn for O.J. Simpson. I do mourn for Nicole Brown Simpson and her family and they should be remembered." - Attorney Gloria Allred, who once represented Nicole's family, on ABC News.

04.11.24 Women's Agenda - OJ Simpson, the former US football star famously acquitted of murdering his ex-wife and her friend, has died of cancer aged 76, his family said in a statement on Thursday. In a statement, Allred said she felt that the system failed Nicole Brown Simpson as well as other women who've been subjected to violence. "Simpson's death reminds us that the legal system even 30 years later is still failing battered women, and that the power of celebrity men to avoid true justice for the harm that they inflict on their wives or significant others is still a major obstacle to the right of women to be free of the gender violence to which they are still subjected."

04.10.24 ABC News - "Donald Trump's anger at a Republican ally highlights his fear of women's voting power ahead of the US election." The article states that since the constitutional right to an abortion was overturned by a conservative-leaning Supreme Court nearly two years ago, abortion bans have come down in more than 20 states. Many Americans who support access to abortion are motivated, angry and ready to punish Republicans - including Trump - at the ballot box on Election Day. To prevent abortion from being a defining issue in the upcoming presidential election, Trump declared abortion laws should be left up to individual states - in stark contrast to his fellow republicans, including Lindsay Graham, who are advocating for a national ban on abortion at 15 weeks. The article also notes that in 1970, Norma McCorvey aka Jane Roe sued for her right to terminate a pregnancy, which resulted in the landmark Roe v. Wade case. Norma McCorvey was represented in subsequent years by attorney, Gloria Allred.

04.09.24 OK Magazine - Alec Baldwin Accused of Having 'No Control of His Own Emotions' on 'Rust' Set Before Halyna Hutchins' Tragic Death. The prosecutors alleged he'd been witnessed "screaming" on-site. They further accused the embattled actor of repeatedly changing his story about what happened on the day that cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed by a prop weapon handled by Baldwin. This comes after OK! reported that Baldwin's legal team was feeling "nervous" about their client's upcoming trial after set armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for her role in Hutchins' death. "Today was the first trial and conviction in the criminal justice process," Gloria Allred said in a statement on behalf of parents Olga Solovey and Anatolli Androsovych and Hutchins' sister, Svetlana Zemko, after the ruling. "We look forward to the justice system continuing to make sure that everyone else who is responsible for Halyna's death is required to face the legal consequences."

04.04.24 Travelers Today - "Delta Air Lines Passenger Seeks Policy Revision After Braless Incident." In January 2024, a passenger named Lisa Archbold was escorted off a Delta Air Lines flight for wearing "revealing and offensive clothing" - a baggy white t-shirt. The flight was from Salt Lake City to San Francisco. Archbold, represented by well-known attorney, Gloria Allred, is now urging the airline to revise its dress code policy. This incident, as well as Ms. Allred's press conference with Ms. Archbold, has sparked a broader conversation about dress codes on flights.

04.04.24 The Independent - What is Delta Airlines' dress code after passengers were removed for not wearing a bra? In terms of a dress code, the airline does require that the passengers wear shoes and says they may be removed for being barefoot. The rule also states a passenger may be refused transportation, when "conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers". According to this rule the airline can make the decision to remove a passenger for not wearing a bra. Last week, a woman said that Delta Airlines targeted her for not wearing a bra. During a news press conference on Thursday, 28 March, 38-year-old DJ Lisa Archbold held a news conference with her attorney, Gloria Allred, claiming that when she showed up to board her Delta Airlines flight at Salt Lake City Airport in January, she was singled out by airline staff. Archbold told the press: "I was targeted and humiliated."

04.04.24 The Independent Singapore - Lisa Archbold found herself at the center of a wardrobe war high above the clouds. The stage was set on a Delta Air Lines flight from Salt Lake City to San Francisco, where Archbold's choice of attire and going bra-less got her kicked off the plane and stirred unexpected "turbulence." The incident which initially garnered some media buzz, has now ignited a full-blown legal firestorm. Archbold, armed with legal powerhouse Gloria Allred as her representative, is spearheading a call for Delta to rethink its dress code policies. Delta, for its part, has offered an apology for the incident. Yet, the underlying issues persist, serving as a poignant reminder that the skies above are not immune to the battles fought on the ground for equality and dignity.

04.02.24 Business Insider - "A Delta passenger is calling on the airline to change its policies after she says she was escorted off a flight for not wearing a bra." Lisa Archbold, a Delta Air Lines passenger who was escorted off a flight for wearing clothing that might be deemed "offensive," is calling on the carrier to change its policy. Archbold was due to fly from Salt Lake City to San Francisco when a gate agent escorted her off the flight and asked her to cover up her "offensive clothing" - a loose, white T-shirt- in order to fly. Archbold with her attorney, Gloria Allred, have requested a meeting with Delta's president, Glen Hauenstein, to discuss a practical solution.

04.02.24 WNCT - "Delta passenger says she was pulled off plane for revealing attire." A Delta passenger says she was pulled off a flight for not wearing a bra and now she and her attorney are insisting the airline change its dress policy. According to reports, Lisa Archbold was dressed for comfort in a loose white shirt and pants for a Delta flight to San Francisco. During boarding, a gate agent came to her seat and asked to speak in private, escorting her off the plane. The incident was described in detail at a news conference with her attorney, Gloria Allred.

03.30.24 US Times Post "DJ claims she was removed from the Delta plane as a "criminal" because she wasn't wearing a bra." Lisa Archbold, a Delta Air Lines passenger, claims she was "humiliated" over her outfit by a gate agent who "escorted" her off the plane before takeoff. Archbold said she was told by the agent that "the official policy of [the airline] is that women have to cover up." Archbold and her attorney, Gloria Allred, have since sent a letter to Delta's president demanding a meeting to discuss a change in policy.

03.29.24 The Blast - "Rust" armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is facing 18 months behind bars in connection with the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. It took a jury less than three hours to find Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of involuntary manslaughter after prosecutors accused her of being negligent on the set of the Western film. On Friday, Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer rejected Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's plea for a new trial and ordered that she must remain behind bars until her sentencing in April. The day after a jury found Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of involuntary manslaughter, family attorneys Gloria Allred and John Carpenter released a statement, saying, "Halyna's parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna's death to be held accountable."

03.29.24 Dr. Renee Fraser Show - Gloria Allred joins Dr. Fraser to discuss many topics including the filing of a civil lawsuit on behalf of her client alleging childhood sexual abuse against the famous director Roman Polanski.

03.29.24 The Independent - During a news press conference on Thursday, 28 March, 38-year-old DJ Lisa Archbold held a news conference with her attorney, Gloria Allred, claiming that when she showed up to board her Delta Airlines flight at Salt Lake City Airport in January, she was singled out by airline staff. Archbold told the press, "I was targeted and humiliated." "Male passengers are not required to cover up their T-shirts with a shirt or a jacket," Allred argued. "They also do not have to wear a bra to board or remain on a plane and women should not have to wear one either." Although there are no plans to go forward with a lawsuit, Allred said that she and her client want a sit-down meeting with the president of Delta Airlines to ensure that their policies will be updated to reflect 21st-century values and standards.

03.29.24 Mirror UK - A woman has been left fuming as she claims she was nearly kicked off her flight because she wasn't wearing a bra. "I was targeted and humiliated," Lisa said at a press conference in Los Angeles on Thursday with her attorney, Gloria Allred, NBC LA reported. "It felt like a scarlet letter was being attached to me," continued the DJ, who was headed to Sundance for work. "I felt it was a spectacle aimed at punishing me for not being a woman in the way she thought I should be a woman as she scolded me outside of the plane," she said. "Male passengers are not required to cover up their T-shirts with a shirt or a jacket," she said. "They also do not have to wear a bra to board or remain on a plane and women should not have to wear one either.

03.28.24 YouTube - Woman claims she was scolded for going braless on Delta flight. Lisa Archbold held a news conference with her attorney Gloria Allred Thursday, demanding Del Air Lines to change its policy. NBC Los Angeles' Karma Dickerson reports on March 28, 2024.

03.28.24 KNX News - Woman told to cover up or leave Delta plane gains attention of high-profile attorney. As KNX News' Emily Valdez reports, Lisa Archbold said, "The gate agent waited until the entire plane was seated, calm and approaching departure. She came to my seat, loudly asked to speak to me in private, and escorted me off the plane as though I were a criminal." Her crime? Not wearing a bra. Archbold says she put a dress shirt over her T-shirt and was allowed back on the plane, but the situation has gained the attention of high-profile attorney Gloria Allred. Now, the duo wants Delta to change what they say is a discriminatory policy. "Lisa did not present either a safety or security risk; neither her breasts nor any other woman's breasts have ever tried to take over a plane. Breasts are not weapons of war, and it's not a crime for a woman or girl to have them," Allred said.

03.28.24 Insider Paper - 'Scolded' braless passenger wants meeting with US airline boss. A woman who says she was threatened with being kicked off a US Delta Air Lines flight because she was not wearing a bra demanded a meeting with the company's top boss on Thursday over what she says is a discriminatory policy. "It felt like a scarlet letter was being attached to me," Archbold, 38, told reporters in Los Angeles about the January incident. Attorney Gloria Allred said she had written to Delta on behalf of Archbold demanding a meeting with the company's president to discuss the discriminatory policy. "Male passengers are not required to cover up their t-shirts with a shirt or a jacket," she said. "They also do not have to wear a bra to board or remain on a plane and women should not have to wear one either. "Last I checked, the Taliban are not in charge of Delta."

03.22.24 Jeopardy - On March 22, 2024, women's rights attorney, Gloria Allred, was featured as a 'clue' on the beloved game show, Jeopardy, under the category "In the National Women's Hall of Fame."

03.22.24 CBC News - Gloria Allred discusses the war on women. Prominent attorney and activist Gloria Allred says there is a substantial and continuing effort in the U.S. to reverse women's rights. Allred discusses her career as an advocate for women and the issues that persist in the legal system that prevent them from seeing justice.

03.17.24 Crime Online - "Long Island Serial Killer Suspect's Wife Gives Him 'Benefit of the Doubt'." Asa Ellerup, the wife of Long Island serial killer suspect, Rex Heuermann, issued an unsolicited statement last week saying she has given her husband "the benefit of the doubt" and doesn't believe he is capable of murder. Ellerup was married to Heuermann for 27 years, and filed for divorce less than a week after his arrest for the murders of three of the four Gilgo 4, women found dead and buried along Long Island's Gilgo Beach more than a decade ago. Gloria Allred, a prominent women's rights attorney who represents several of the victims' families, has responded to the statement from Ms. Ellerup's attorneys on her behalf.

03.16.24 World Time Todays - "Samantha Geimer believes victims are anti-feminist." Samantha Geimer was 13 when she was raped by film director, Roman Polanski, in 1977. The attack has followed both Geimer and Polanski throughout their lives and Geimer has developed seemingly unorthodox beliefs about her abuser over the decades. In an interview with Polanski's wife, Emmanuelle Seigner, Geimer claims the #MeToo movement can humiliate women by labeling them as victims, stating "I don't understand what's so feminist about being a victim." Not all of Polanski's victims take the same stance as Geimer, including victim, Jane Doe, who filed her lawsuit against Polanski with her attorney, Gloria Allred, in Los Angeles in March of 2024.

03.15.24 Times Now News - "Legendary Filmmaker Roman Polanski To Face Trial of Alleged 1973 Rape." Renowned filmmaker, Roman Polanski, is set to face trial in Los Angeles in 2025 for allegedly raping a teenager in 1973, confirmed Attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing the plaintiff in this lawsuit, and is also known for representing victims in cases involving prominent individuals such as Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Cosby. The trial is scheduled for August 2025.

03.14.24 Japan Today - "Director Roman Polanski sued over more allegations of sexual assault of a minor." A woman has sued director Roman Polanski, alleging he raped her in his home when she was a minor in 1973. The woman aired the allegations in a news conference with her attorney, Gloria Allred, on Tuesday March 12, 2024. The account is similar to the still-unresolved Los Angeles criminal sexual assault case that prompted Polanski in 1978 to flee to Europe, where he has remained since.

03.13.24 Los Angeles Times - Roman Polanski civil trial set for August 2025 in child rape case. The trial is scheduled to take place on Aug. 4, 2025, following a lawsuit that accused Polanski of giving a child alcohol and raping her at his Benedict Canyon home. The complaint was filed last June in Los Angeles County Superior Court. The plaintiff and her attorney, Gloria Allred, discussed the case Tuesday during a news conference in Los Angeles. Allred said she was able to have Polanski served at his home in Paris. "Our client ... has demonstrated enormous courage in filing her lawsuit against a famous director," Allred said at the news conference. "Although the defendant has appeared to return to business as usual in his life, our client has not been able to return to business as usual. ... But we look forward to our fight for justice and accountability for Jane Doe."

03.13.24 Fox 11 News - Roman Polanski received a trial date over sexual assault allegations of a minor in 1973. The controversial director must face an American judge on Aug. 4, 2025, for a 10-day trial, the plaintiff's lawyer, Gloria Allred told Fox News Digital. Allred added, "Although the defendant has appeared to return to business as usual in his life, our client has not been able to return to business as usual since her victimization. The criminal justice system has not yielded a just outcome for the people of California who had a right to see Mr. Polanski sentenced for his sexual crime against a child, but we look forward to our fight for justice and accountability for Jane Doe in the civil lawsuit which we have filed."

03.12.24 Deadline - Currently on trial in France for decrying the sexual assault claims from actress Charlotte Lewis, Roman Polanski now finds himself facing a trial next year in the United States over allegations of raping a minor in 1973. The Oscar winning director is set to face American justice starting on August 4, 2025, plaintiff's lawyer Gloria Allred revealed in a press conference today. A longtime fugitive from American justice and almost certain not to appear in court in Los Angeles, Polanski sitting for a deposition in the case is still a bit of an unknown, Allred says. "We are going to depose him," the attorney noted. "At least that's our intention at this time, that could change," she added, clearly leaving the possibility of a settlement open before the 2025 trial.

03.11.24 Variety - The producers of the Alec Baldwin film "Rust" are nine months late in paying the widower and son of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who was killed in a gun accident on set in 2021, according to a recent court filing. Baldwin and the other producers announced a settlement of the family's wrongful death lawsuit in October 2022. After the settlement was announced with Hutchins' widower and son, a similar lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles on behalf of her parents, Olga Solovey and Anatolii Androsovych, and her sister, Svetlana Zemko, all of whom live in Ukraine. The suit seeks damages for "loss of consortium," which in California can only be brought by a decedent's spouse. The plaintiffs are represented by Gloria Allred and John Carpenter.

03.10.24 Jagran Josh - International Day of Women Judges 2024: List of Famous Female Lawyers in the World. International Day of Women Judges is observed on March 10th every year to celebrate the participation of women in all levels of the judiciary. Included in this list is Gloria Allred.

03.10.24 International Business Times - "Hannah Gutierrez-Reed: 'Rust' Armorer Having 'Difficult Time' In Jail as She Awaits Sentencing after Being Found Guilty of Manslaughter." Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, 26, is being held in a New Mexico detention center after being found guilty on Wednesday of involuntary manslaughter in the accidental shooting death of Hutchins on the set of the film Rust. The statement released by Hutchins's family's legal team, including attorneys Gloria Allred and John Carpenter, reveals that "Halyna's parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna's death to be held accountable."

03.09.24 The News International - "Rust Armorer Gutierrez-Reed faces tough time after Manslaughter conviction." Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer on the set of the film Rust, is reportedly facing significant challenges following her conviction for involuntary manslaughter in the tragic death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. In response to the verdict, the family of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins released a statement expressing their anticipation for further accountability in the case with their attorneys, Gloria Allred, and John Carpenter.

03.06.24 The Wrap - "Rust" cinematographer Halyna Hutchins' family responded Wednesday to armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed being found guilty of manslaughter, saying they are "satisfied that the jury, based on the evidence" found her "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt for her part in the taking of Halyna's life." "Halyna's parents and her sister have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna's death to be held accountable," the statement from attorneys Gloria Allred and John Carpenter, made on behalf of the family, said of the verdict. "We look forward to the justice system continuing to make sure that everyone else who is responsible for Halyna's death is required to face the legal consequences for their actions," they concluded.

03.06.24 Daily Beast - After just two-and-a-half hours of deliberations, a New Mexico jury found Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed guilty of involuntary manslaughter over a fatal on-set shooting that killed the movie's cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins. After the verdict, attorneys Gloria Allred and John Carpenter, who are representing Hutchins' parents-Olga Solovey and Anatolli Androsovych-and Halyna's sister, Svetlana Zemko, said "the family have always wanted everyone who is responsible for Halyna's death to be held accountable."

03.05.24 The Guardian - "Roman Polanski tried in France for alleged defamation of British actor." Roman Polanski was held to account for dismissing a claim of 1983 sexual assault against Charlotte Lewis as a 'heinous lie.' Charlotte Lewis, who was in court on Tuesday at the opening of the hearing, said she had been the victim of a "smear campaign" after she accused the filmmaker of sexually abusing her as a teenager. The director rejected the accusation in a 2019 interview with Paris Match magazine in which he cited a 1999 News of the World interview with Lewis in which she was quoted as saying: "I wanted to be his mistress … I probably desired him more than he did me." Lewis disputed the accuracy of the quote and subsequently sued for defamation. In 2010, Lewis publicly accused Polanski of abusing her at a press conference hosted in the office of her then attorney Gloria Allred.

03.05.24 The Ada Herald - British actress Charlotte Lewis on Tuesday accused filmmaker Roman Polanski of raping her as a teenager and said she had become the victim of a "smear campaign" after she spoke up about it. "It nearly destroyed my life," the 56-year-old told a criminal court in the French capital, which is hearing a defamation case against the film director. Polanski, who was not present at Tuesday's hearing, faces charges that he defamed Lewis after she accused him of abusing her in the 1980s. In 2010, Lewis said she decided to speak out to counter suggestions from Polanski's legal team that the 1977 rape case was an isolated incident. She spoke in the Los Angeles offices of Gloria Allred, a high-profile attorney who has also represented women accusing US producer Harvey Weinstein, sitcom star Bill Cosby and former US president Donald Trump.

03.02.24 US Times Post - "Rob Lowe, Snow White and the Night That Almost Lost the Oscars." The 1989 Oscars are a memorable cultural moment for the film industry, and not exactly for all the right reasons. The 1989 opening performance didn't quite hit the mark, with many claiming it to be the worst opening in Oscars history. While the 1989 event was certainly uncomfortable to watch, it wasn't the only Oscars to feature a widely criticized opening musical. The 2013 Oscars, hosted by Seth MacFarlane, kicked off with an opening number which overtly drew attention to the nude film scenes of several actresses in attendance. MacFarland was criticized by many, including feminist rights attorney, Gloria Allred, for the public sexualization of the accomplished actresses.

03.02.24 Q97.9 - "LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?" Discover the groundbreaking legislation that has shaped the U.S. from 1919 to 2019. See the year 1973, when Gloria Allred and her client Norma McCorvey challenged legislation that prevented access to safe and legal abortions in the legendary Roe v. Wade case.

03.01.24 USA Today - "Alec Baldwin hit with another 'Rust' lawsuit: What we know about all the legal challenges." Several crew members who worked on the set of "Rust" have filed suit against Alec Baldwin and the film's producers in relation to the 2021 shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. The most recent of these lawsuits were filed at the end of February 2024, by dolly operator Ross Addiego, set costumer Doran Curtin, and key grip Reese Price, all who maintain they were standing close to Baldwin when his prop gun went off during rehearsal at the Bonanza Creek Ranch movie set near Santa Fe, New Mexico. These three lawsuits are of more than half a dozen that have been filed as a result of the shooting. As of February 9, 2024, Hutchins's mother, father, and sister are seeking damages for their loss with the help of their attorney, Gloria Allred.

03.01.24 FindLaw - "Five Formidable Female Attorneys." Countless women have worked to shape the legal landscape of the U.S. to where it is now, changing our nation for the better through their advocacy. Five of these distinguished women attorneys include Sandra Day O'Connor, Sonia Sotomayor, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Loretta Lynch, and Gloria Allred. Gloria Allred is a prominent American civil rights lawyer known for taking on high-profile and often controversial cases, especially those involving the protection of women's rights and fighting against gender discrimination. Much of Allred's importance stems from her relentless advocacy for women's rights and her willingness to take on cases that challenge societal norms and address injustices against marginalized groups.

02.25.24 Mid-Day - "From comedy to art: Here's what you can check out in Mumbai this week." On International Women's Day, March 8, 2024, Columbia Global Centers Mumbai will host Voices of Change: Fostering Equity and Inclusion - a panel discussion that brings together four powerful female voices. The panelists include Veronika Didusenko, who championed the #RightToBeAMother movement, U.S. women's rights attorney Gloria Allred; Diana Edulji, the first women cricketer to be inducted into the ICC Hall of Fame; and Audrey D'Mello, director of the women's rights NGO Majlis Law, who will moderate the discussion. To register for the event, follow this link:

02.22.24 Fox News - "'Rust' armorer's criminal trial begins with dramatic audio of shooting victims, photos of live ammo on set." Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's trial over the fatal Rust movie shooting began Thursday February 22, 2024, with dramatic audio of the shooting victims and accusations of "sloppy" safety protocols. Gutierrez-Reed, the film's armorer, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and evidence tampering after allegedly handing off a bag of cocaine on the day of the shooting. Alec Baldwin, the actor who fired the gun that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, has also been charged with involuntary manslaughter. On Thursday the 22nd of February, the family of late cinematographer Halyna Hutchins earned a legal victory when Baldwin lost his bid to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit brought by her family and their attorney, Gloria Allred.

02.22.24 News Break Original - "Gloria Allred Hails Court Victory in Baldwin Case as Win for Hutchins Family." The family of the late Halyna Hutchins scored a victory in their civil lawsuit against actor Alec Baldwin and the producers of "Rust." Renowned attorney Gloria Allred, representing the mother, father and sister of Halyna Hutchins, announced the court's decision to affirm the right to pursue loss of consortium damages under New Mexico law, a ruling that will have implications in California courts where the lawsuit is being prosecuted.

02.22.24 Blast - "'Rust' Armorer's Lawyers Put Blame On Alec Baldwin During Trial Opening Statements." Alec Baldwin was mentioned heavily as the trial against Rust armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, began on Thursday, February 22, 2024 in regards to the killing of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Gutierrez-Reed has pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence after prosecutors claim a witness alleged she transferred a bag of cocaine on the day Hutchins was killed, thus impeding the police investigation. Gutierrez-Reed's lawyer, Jason Bowles, claimed prosecutors are using Gutierrez-Reed as a scapegoat for Baldwin's wrongdoing, stating, " he violated some of the most basic gun-safety rules you can ever learn." The parents and sister of Hutchins are represented by attorney Gloria Allred.

02.22.24 Daily Mail - "Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed's manslaughter trial is shown photo of shambolic Rust ammo cart strewn with dummy rounds in grim image taken after Alec Baldwin killed cinematographer." Both Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and Alec Baldwin are charged with involuntary manslaughter for cinematographer Halyna Hutchins's death in October 2021. Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer on the set of the film Rust, is accused of flouting gun safety procedures by handing Baldwin a gun loaded with a live round while on the movie set in New Mexico. The jury was shown a photograph taken by a crime scene investigator of the prop cart which appeared highly disorganized, strewn with dummy rounds that were mixed with a live round. Both Baldwin and Gutierrez-Reed pleaded not guilty to the claims against them. According to attorney Gloria Allred, who represents the parents and sister of Halyna Hutchins, Halyna Hutchins' family may now pursue damages against Baldwin based upon a court ruling under New Mexico law.

02.21.24 Rolling Stone -"'Rust' on Trial: Alec Baldwin's Armorer Faces Involuntary Manslaughter Charges." Prosecutors allege the 24-year-old rookie armorer hired to manage weapons, ammunition, and gun safety on the set of 'Rust', Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, was engaging in "drug and alcohol use" during her off hours while working during the filming. They indicated that Ms. Gutierrez-Reed inadvertently placed a live bullet in the prop gun that Baldwin fired, killing Halyna Hutchins. While others have been criminally charged in the high-profile case - including Baldwin - Gutierrez-Reed will be the first to face a jury. Hutchins's Ukraine-based parents and sister continue to seek justice and remain informed about important case evidence by their attorney, Gloria Allred.

02.16.24 NBC Los Angeles - "Former CBS CEO pays fine for alleged interference in LAPD investigation." Former CBS president and CEO Leslie Moonves personally tried to influence a former LAPD captain, who had pledged his allegiance to Moonves and was leaking confidential information about a criminal investigation in which Moonves had been accused of sexually assaulting a former employee, according to new legal documents made public Friday by the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission. The woman who made the accusation against Moonves in 2017, Phyllis Gottlieb, claimed she was assaulted while working for him at an entertainment firm in 1986. Ms. Gottlieb, now deceased, was represented by attorney Gloria Allred.

01.31.24 New York Times - Alec Baldwin pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter on Wednesday, following a grand jury indictment that revived the criminal case against him for the fatal shooting of a cinematographer on the set of the film "Rust" in 2021. SAG-AFTRA, the union representing film, television and radio workers, released a new statement after the latest indictment, saying that the idea an actor should be expected to inspect a firearm is an "incorrect assessment of the actual duties of an actor on set" and pointing to a set of industry guidelines called Safety Bulletin No. 1. Gloria Allred, a lawyer representing Ms. Hutchins's parents and sister in a civil case, pushed back on the union's statement, saying, "The notion that an actor is not responsible if that actor holds a gun, points it at someone on a movie set and discharges the weapon flies in the face of common sense and the law."

01.30.24 The Blast - Actor Alec Baldwin is again facing criminal charges related to the death of "Rust" cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who was shot and killed on the set of the Western film in October 2021. On January 30, The Blast was informed that news outlets have been given the authorization to record, broadcast, and livestream Alec Baldwin's arraignment in New Mexico on Thursday. Gloria Allred, the attorney representing Halyna Hutchins' mother, father, and lawsuit in a civil lawsuit, released a statement shortly following the charges, saying: "Our clients have always sought the truth about what happened on the day that Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed on October 21, 2021. They continue to seek the truth in our civil lawsuit for them and they also would like there to be accountability in the criminal justice system.

01.27.24 The Hollywood Reporter - Halyna Hutchins' Family Attorney Criticizes SAG-AFTRA's Defense of Alec Baldwin: "The Case Will Be Decided on Its Merits". The 'Rust' actor and producer was indicted in the fatal shooting of Hutchins earlier this month, after a grand jury presented with a new investigation recommended charges. "The notion that an actor is not responsible if that actor holds a gun, points it at someone on a movie set, and discharges the weapon flies in the face of common sense and the law," Gloria Allred an attorney for Hutchins' family, told The Hollywood Reporter.

01.26.24 WION - SAG-AFTRA has come out in support of actor Alec Baldwin who has been charged again for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. The fresh charges on the actor were pressed on January 19. Hutchins died on October 21, 2021, after a gun that Baldwin was holding discharged on the set of the film Rust. Meanwhile, Gloria Allred, the attorney for the family of Halyna Hutchins has responded to SAG-AFTRA's statement backing Alec Baldwin. "The notion that an actor is not responsible if that actor holds a gun, points it at someone on a movie set, and discharges the weapon flies in the face of common sense and the law," Gloria Allred said in a statement Thursday.

01.25.24 US Weekly - Alec Baldwin Requests 'Speedy Trial' After Being Indicted on New 'Rust' Shooting Charges. Us confirmed on Friday, January 19, that Baldwin was indicted again in connection with the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who was killed in an accidental shooting on the set of his movie Rust in 2021. Following Baldwin's latest indictment, an attorney for Hutchins' family released a statement addressing the charges. "[My clients] have always sought the truth about what happened on the day that Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed," lawyer Gloria Allred said on Friday.

01.23.24 Fox 11 - L.A. Innocence Project Takes on Scott Peterson Case. Scott Peterson was identified as the prime suspect in Lacey Peterson's murder after it was revealed he was having an affair with a woman named Amber Frey. Frey's famed attorney was Gloria Allred, who now represents Peterson's sister, Anne Bird. Gloria Allred joins Marla Tellez live to discuss the case and the new development.

01.23.24 The Blast - Actor Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Baldwin are reportedly feeling stressed after the actor was charged with involuntary manslaughter last Friday. Baldwin was filming "Rust" in New Mexico in October 2021. When rehearsing a scene inside a church, a gun that he was holding went off, striking and killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and hospitalizing director Joel Souza. Baldwin has insisted that he never pulled the trigger and that he has "no idea" how a bullet ended up inside the prop gun on a movie set. An attorney for the family, Gloria Allred, released a statement on Friday saying that the Hutchins family has "always sought the truth about what happened on the day that Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed."

01.20.24 AZ Central - Women's March in Phoenix: Several hundred gather at Arizona Capitol. The seventh annual National Women's March takes off Saturday morning in Phoenix with accompanying marches in multiple cities across the country. March organizers are calling the rally "Bigger than Roe" because of its focus on abortion rights. Attorney Allred speaks about her own experience. Famed feminist attorney Gloria Allred spoke to loud cheers. "No one has ever given women any rights … we've always had to fight to win them," the 82-year-old Allred said, later adding, "The women's movement is the only movement in which the participants become more radical as they get older."

01.20.24 Associated Press - A grand jury indicted Alec Baldwin on Friday on an involuntary manslaughter charge in a fatal shooting in 2021 during a rehearsal on a movie set in New Mexico, reviving a dormant case against the actor. Defense attorneys for Baldwin indicated that they'll fight the charge. Los Angeles-based attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing the cinematographer's parents and younger sister in a civil case, said Friday that her clients have been seeking the truth about what happened the day Hutchins was killed and will be looking forward to Baldwin's trial.

01.19.24 NewsNation - The Los Angeles Innocence Project has taken on the notorious case of Scott Peterson, NewsNation has confirmed. He was convicted by a San Mateo County jury in 2004 of murdering his pregnant wife, Laci, and their unborn son. Gloria Allred, who represented Amber Frey, who dated Peterson, and Anne Bird, Peterson's sister, told NewsNation's Ashleigh Banfield on Thursday night that Peterson "has every right to exhaust any legal avenue open to him." "He should have the right to DNA testing. … He has a big mountain to climb. He is fortunate that he is still alive today, while, unfortunately, his victims, are no longer alive," Allred added.

01.19.24 Fox Sports - The lawyer acting for the teenage girl who allegedly had a relationship with Josh Giddey has explained why the case against the Aussie NBA star was dropped. The Newport Police Department in California closed its investigation into the 21-year-old, having found 'no corroborating evidence' to support the claims made against him. Gloria Allred, the high-profile lawyer representing the Californian girl, said "It does not surprise me that law enforcement would close their investigation since our client is a minor and her parents have chosen not to speak to law enforcement to protect their privacy."

01.17.24 TFC News - Filipino -American, co-workers sue CA hospital over alleged wrongful termination. Arlene Nielsen and her coworkers claimed their concerns over staffing and poor working conditions at the St. Francis Medical Center and its owner, Prime Healthcare, have been unaddressed. They were eventually suspended and fired days before Christmas. "The plaintiffs have opposed and protested and complained to management and through their unions," said the workers' lawyer Gloria Allred, "about what they believe to be unlawful employment practices resulting in adverse patient health and safety care issues."

01.16.24 NewsNation - The family of Gilgo Beach victim Maureen Brainard-Barnes is focused on "learning the truth" now that Rex Heuermann has been charged in her killing, the family's attorney, Gloria Allred, told NewsNation's Ashleigh Banfield. Allred said the family has many questions and seeks justice. Heuermann was previously considered a top suspect in the case but at the time of his arrest for the killings of the three other women, investigators said they did not have the evidence to charge him with her death.

01.12.24 KTLA 5 - A group of healthcare workers filed a lawsuit against a Los Angeles County hospital, claiming they were fired over protesting unsafe staffing conditions. Nine workers from St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood are being represented by attorney Gloria Allred. The workers said they were wrongfully fired after speaking up about what they claimed were concerning practices involving patient care and other safety issues at the hospital. A press conference was held Friday where Allred and the plaintiffs spoke about the lawsuit.

01.12.24 KTLA - A group of healthcare workers filed a lawsuit against a Los Angeles County hospital, claiming they were fired over protesting unsafe staffing conditions. Nine workers from St. Francis Medical Center in Lynwood are being represented by attorney Gloria Allred. The workers said they were wrongfully fired after speaking up about what they claimed were concerning practices involving patient care and other safety issues at the hospital. "We all believe in patients over profits," said attorney Gloria Allred. "We will not be deterred or intimidated by a big powerful corporation."

01.08.24 Mirror UK - EXCLUSIVE: Prince Andrew 'locks himself away with no idea how to respond' after new Epstein claims. Famed US lawyer Gloria Allred told the Mirror that the under-pressure royal has "got a lot of explaining to do" and should speak with US law enforcement about his friendship with Epstein. She said Andrew owes it to victims of the monstrous sex abuser to provide any intelligence on events at properties where he may have stayed with the American.

01.04.24 NewsNation - Gloria Allred: Jeffrey Epstein victims have 'been through a lot'. A federal court Thursday released an additional round of documents totaling more than 300 pages relating to the late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The court began releasing the previously secret documents Wednesday that disclose the names of more than 150 people associated with the disgraced financier. Attorney Gloria Allred, who represents 20 of Epstein's victims, says it's too painful for some victims to testify. She added: "He harmed them. He was dangerous."